Chapter 39: Close At Heart

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Orange's eyes widened as Pink fell to her knees, pulling her into a tight hug as tears glossed her eyes. "Zirconia, I'm so glad you're okay." She hesitated a moment, tears rolling off her cheeks and dampening Orange's hair as she placed a kiss on top of her head before she pulled back. She held her by her shoulders as her eyes flicked up and down briefly, inspecting Orange. "I've been so worried since the others told me they sent you to White."

"I..." Orange trailed off, still incredibly confused, but so happy to see her. Orange grabbed onto Pink's forearms, the feel of her gloves under her fingers a reassurance this wasn't some kind of illusion. The feel of her was grounding, and Orange found her voice long enough to ask, "Pink, what are you doing here?"

"I've come to get you." Pink explained, her hands traveling up to cup Orange's face, her thumbs wiping at the tears gathering in her daughter's eyes as they stared at one another. "I won't leave you here. Not with her." Standing, Pink grabbed one of Orange's hands to help her up, giving it a small squeeze. "We have to go."

"What?" Orange's eyebrows scrunched up, pausing long enough that the older Diamond had to come to a hault least she pull on her arm, turning to look at her in confusion. "Pink, if White finds out-"

"That's why we have to go, now," Pink tugged on Orange's hand, urging her to come with her towards the doors, "before she knows. We're leaving."

Orange pulled her hand from Pink's before she could stop her, taking a step back, her heels knocking into the pillows behind her. "Leaving? Pink, I can't leave!"

"Yes you can!" Pink came to her, crouching down and taking both of her hands into her own, holding them as she begged her with her eyes to listen, "Orange, we're going to go somewhere away from all this. Just you, and me, and Pearl. It's going to be okay."

Orange tensed, "You called me Orange."

Pink's eyes briefly widened in surprise before her eyebrows turned up in confusion, "What?"

"You never call me Orange when it's just us." Orange's eyes narrowed, tugging her hands away from Pink.

"I...oh. I'm just in such a rush." Pink chuckled, standing up so she was once again taller than Orange, giving her a small smile that Orange was sure was meant to comfort her. "Sweetie, we need to go." She held out her hand for Orange to take, "We don't have a lot of time."

Orange stared at her for a long moment, inspecting every detail of the gem in front of her. "No." Orange's voice was firm, catching the other gem by surprise. "Pink has never called me that, even when she was angry. You're not Pink. Get away from me!" Orange pushed Pink with both of her hands, causing her to stubble back, a hurt expression crossed her face as she regained her balance. Orange's hands balled up, raising in front of her to have something between them, "How dare you take her form. Who are you?"

"Really, sweetie?" Pink took a step back towards orange, but stopped when the smaller gem made it clear she would become physical if she continued. Pink held up her hands to Orange to show she meant no harm, "Don't you know your own mother?"

"I know Pink, and you're not her." Orange glared, her teeth bared in anger, "Who are you? I'm not going to ask again."

Pink's head fell back as she sighed dramatically, "So bossy." Pink straightened up as she put both hands on her hips, her hurt expression dropped as a large grin stretched across her lips, her eyes were horribly striking with equal amounts of amusement and malice. It was a startling expression to see on Pink Diamond's face, her normally soft features turned sharp and unnaturally harsh. It was an expression more fitting a gladiator taunting their opponent in the arena than on the older Diamond's face. "You certainly didn't get that from her. Oh, well, me." She shrugged, running a hand over her cheek and down her chest before lifting her hand to inspect the back of it approvingly, "I mean, I am still Pink." She paused again before tilting her head as she conceded, "Partly."

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