Chapter 19: The Trial

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At some point between Chapter 5 and 6


Blue Diamond stood in the high ceiling room, decorated in ornate diamond patterns and statues carved of beautiful stone by the finest made Bismuths Homeworld had produced in centuries. They were in a side room of the high courts building were they, she and the other Diamonds, held trials for gems who had committed crimes that warranted their limited time and attention. It was here that she kept Orange from the public eye, her trusted Citrine guards stationed outside the doors to keep anyone from interrupting. Her pearl stood to her left, head bowed and silent as she spoke with Orange Diamond, the smaller gem's cherubic features turned up to her in rapt attention, as she explained what would be happening today.

"Orange, I have a few trials to oversee. Until I finish, you'll be staying-"

Orange's lip jutted out in a rather dramatic pout, "Aww!" her whine cut through whatever Blue had been about to say, "Can't I sit in for the trial?"

Blue gave her a kind smile, those large eyes were a weakness of Blue's that she knew she had trouble saying no to. "You know you can't be seen by the general public yet. White would be furious."

"But it's just traitors right? I could..." Orange paused, her brow furrowed in what have been serious thought before her hands shot into the air with her excitement, "I could act like a guard! Or an escort!"

Blue chuckled at the absurdity of her suggestion, bending down to lightly ruffle her hair. "My sweet Orange, that's a lovely idea, but I hardly think you could pass as a Agate."

"Then I can be a Quartz."

"A tiny one?"

Orange glared at her, and Blue found it incredibly adorable on her large features, "I'm not that small, Blue!"

"No, of course not, Orange." Blue attempted to placate her little ward before she could become too agitated, "But still."

"What if I hid in your robe?"

"Mmmm." Blue looked away from Orange as she gave it a moment of thought.

A moment that Orange didn't hesitate to jump on as she clasped her hands together and started to beg, "Please? Please, please, please! I'll be quiet!'d be educational!"

"Mmm. Oh, i suppose..." Blue relented, though she wasn't sure if she was glad to see how happy it made Orange, or dread the talk she would have to have now that she had tentatively caved to the littlest diamond's request.


"I'll have to talk to Yellow first." She attempted to tamper Orange's growing enthusiasm, but the youngest diamond would not be stopped in her joy of winning this dispute.

"Just tell her it's another lesson! She can't say no then. You're the best, blue!"

"Hehehe." Blue giggled, covering her mouth as she watched Orange dance for a moment, her happiness was rather contagious, but she could not remain here much longer if they wished to keep on schedule. "Stay here with Pearl, so I can talk with Yellow."

"Okay!" Orange couldn't stop grinning even as she watched Blue exit through the large chamber doors, leaving her alone with the silent pearl standing obediently next to her.

"Soo..." Orange said after the silent had stretched on for far to long for her liking, turning to look at Pearl, "what are these trials normally like?"

Blue's Pearl turned to look at her, her head still bowed slightly as to keep her gaze respectful to her superior, "They normally involve my Diamond, and on occasion, a collaboration with Yellow Diamond, listening to the cases of a Gem who has been accused of a great crime against the Empire or the Diamonds themselves. This is followed by the Diamonds giving a verdict."

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