Chapter 51: My Secret Keeper pt 1

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Sorry about the long wait for an update. April has just been such a damn busy month for me! Every time I sit down to edit, something comes up.

I just want write and draw! (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

Okay, enough of my excuses, let's roll on with the good times!


A bright laugh bubbled up from Pink's chest, breaking the natural silence of the room as she was finally settling back into her command chair for the day. The smile had barely left her face for a moment, not since her Zirconia had returned, and their long talk that had managed, when nothing else had worked, to eased both her heart and mind.

It felt...well, it felt amazing, she felt amazing. Like a weight she had never known even existed had been lifted after repairing what she thought had been long burnt bridges with her daughter. Of course, she knew not everything was fixed, or could be mended with a few words and tears, but it was a start and one she was glad to be given.

Truely, she hadn't realized until she had started crying upon Zirconia's return just how much she had built up, or left unattended so she could focus on Earth and the rebellion. She had packed so much away, ignored or down right denied she felt one way or another, anyone could have foreseen it would only be a matter of time before the callously stacked pile of problem would come crashing down on her. Her only grievance was that it had come crashing down at Zirconia's feet as well, but her daughter, in all the ways she still amazed her, had dealt with it in such a grown manner. She certainly seemed to be more put together than Pink was in that moment.

As bright and strong as the Diamond she looked up to, much to Pink's, initial, dismay. As much as Pink disliked the thought, she had to acknowledge all of Yellow's meddling had given Zirconia the stepping stones to be such a strong diamond. Well, certainly not all Yellow. She would never give the older Diamond so much credit, her ego didn't need the help. A lot of it was Zirconia herself, and her own strength and motivation. Her darling Zirconia had blossomed into such a fine young gem, everything Pink had ever hope and dreamed for her, and yet somehow more.

"You seem happy, my Diamond." Pearl observed out loud, gaining Pink's attention, her large smile and bright eyes turning to her pearl.

"I am." The Diamond confirmed, "Zirconia has returned to us. I know it's only for a little while, but..." Pink sighed blissfully, relaxing further into the cool back of her chair, "I feel so weightless, I could float away. My daughter is here with me. I hadn't realized how much I was really missing her until now."

"I'm glad to see you so happy." Pearl's lips curled to mirror Pink Diamond's own smile, "Orange Diamond seems to be as well."

"I know, isn't it great?" Another giggle escaped her lips that she made no attempt to conceal, "I've never seen her take such a keen interest in the Earth, she's getting along so well with everyone, and, oh Pearl," the diamond leaned into the side of the chair, arm propped up while she rested her cheek into her palm, "I'm so glad to have her back." she paused as realization crossed her face, another giddy snicker, "I keep saying that, don't I? I'm sorry."

"Don't be, my Diamond. It is, well, it is nice to see you in such a good mood. You haven't exactly been..." Pearl hesitated before adding, "Even the rebels had begun to notice you were upset."

Pink sat a little straighter, her smile falling some, "I didn't realize they were talking-"

"No, no!" Pearl waved her hands, cutting her diamond off before she could continue, "Nothing like that! They are just," Pearl paused, considering her words carefully, "Concerned. They see you as Rose, and you were so subdued, but it's okay!" Pearl forced a wide smile in an attempt to reverse where she accidentally take their conversation. "I simply explained to them the war has been tough on us all. They understand, everything is fine. Its nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about at all."

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