Chapter 26: Orange Poofed

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Big thanks to Cartoonman on Ao3 for wondering what the aftermath of Chapter 5 was like, so this chapter is because of (and for) them.


Yellow sat back in her command chair, her Pearl standing beside it, arms folded behind her back as she attempted to stop herself from shrinking away as three different command displays hovered in the air, each holding a different Diamond's face, and each with a different expression from the one beside them. While their gaze had never strayed to Pearl herself, just the sight of all three diamonds, along with her own Diamond beside her, was enough to put Yellow's pearl on edge. In all of her time serving Yellow Diamond, it was never a good thing when all the Diamonds where in contact. Never.

"Yellow!" Blue yelled, her face contorted in rage, teeth bared and nostrils flaring.

"What? It isn't my fault." Yellow pinched the bridge of her nose again, this screaming had been going on for far too long.

"Orange was hurt on your watch!" Pink yelled. Yellow didn't think it should be possible for the younger diamond to look even angrier than Blue, but her bright pink eyes and scrunched features made her look livid. Which, Yellow could see, she obviously was. Both Pink and Blue were the most emotional diamonds of the four, er, fiveof them.

"Pink, please, stop yelling." Yellow sighed, her hand dropping from her face as she settled Pink with a blank look, which only seemed to fuel her anger more.

"Don't tell me to stop yelling! Why are you so calm about this!? My little Orange was poofed because of your carelessness!"

"It's not like I was planning to have her pushed her off the landing." Yellow grunted.

"Stars-" Blue gasped, her hand flying to cover her mouth.

"That is enough." Everyone's eyes turned to look at White on their own displays. Unlike Blue and Pink, White remained rather neutral in her expression. Not quite smiling, but she hardly looked angry about what had happened, Yellow would even say she was unfazed.

"White?" Blue asked in the quietest tone she had used since Yellow had initiated this call.

"I believe Yellow has been throughly berated for what has happened." White's voice was silvery, a force of calm and reason in a storm of angry voices. Her bright eyes stared pointedly at Yellow, who sat up a little straighter under her gaze, "What has become of the Amethysts that were to escort her?"

"Destabilized and being prepared to be sent to Homeworld for harvesting." Yellow answered in the most professional tone she could muster, which seemed to please White as she gave a single nod.


"Good!?" Pink's teeth were bared and lips downturned, her eyes were wide, furious.

"Pink." White chastised.


"Settle down." White's tone was hard, and Pink looked caught between wanting to raise her voice again and ducking her head in submission, "The gems that are at fault will be punished. Yellow can not control everything that happens."


"Quiet now, Starlight. I'm talking."

Pink's eyes fell to the ground, eyebrows scrunched together and a pout on her lips. "Sorry."

"Yellow," white's full attention was back on her, "bring Orange back to Homeworld. She should be in familiar settings when she reforms."

"This is her first time having to reform, isn't it?" Blue questioned, "it may take her some time."

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