Chapter 67: Arraignment

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Sorry for the wait. Hope everyone is doing well. Have a super long chapter as an apology.


The light of the morning sun clashed against meandering clouds, warm pink leaking from behind the dim wisps to bask the dark gray and metallic buildings in its own glow, even as the buildings continued to display their neon colors and artificial lights. Below, the bustle of gems had long since began before even the first rays had touched down on the capital city. A new day, another work cycle, meaning it was time once again to leave their cubbies to join the rest of the rotation of workers, switching out work exhausted gems for their more eager counterparts who were ready and set to continue their jobs that they had been made perfect for, as well as schedules that could not afford them leisure time to admire the sun's work.

As it was, Orange Diamond sat cross-legged at her table, her legs initially pressing against the underside of it despite having them folded under her and splayed out on either side as far down as she could comfortably get them, which meant she had ultimately decided it best to sit on the other side of the table, giving her room to spread out beside it without rocking the top's contents with every little nudge and bump of her knees. In between her fingers was a tablet, which she absentmindedly placed in her mouth before she reached down for another one without looking, mechanically repeating the process as she stared unblinkingly at the kaleidoscopic pattern that was cast against the stark white marble floor that the parted curtains had allowed in. So caught up in her own thoughts, Orange barely took notice of what she was really doing, nor what was going on around her.

The multiple pings at her door went unheard, her eyes never straying from the direction of the dancing light when, unbeknownst to her, Pearl, curious to the lack of response she had anticipated, cautiously stepped inside as she quickly took notice of her distant staring. It wasn't exactly an odd sight for her to see the typically eager and boisterous young Diamond so silent and distracted, she did after all, have the tendency to work herself up as she started to overthink things or become enrapt in her own little world when she got to thinking out ideas. But something about how the very room felt as she stepped inside made her alert. The unseeing, dazed expression, coupled with the drawn lines of a frown on her face meant something serious had been brewing and for how long, she couldn't know. It wasn't the typical seriousness she was used to seeing on occasion from her partner, that deliberate silence that came when she was learning to fall into her roll as leader and not be the passive ward. It was a nervous, skittish kind of silence, charged with a sort of buzzing anticipation that one could never fully be sure how it would erupt if provoked unexpectedly, especially from a gem like a Diamond. And as guilty as it made her feel to do so, her steps were extra light as she crossed the room to join her at the table.

As Orange had tucked herself in at the far side of the table, Pearl remained safety on the opposite side, observing the younger gem who took no notice of her presence. To Pearl's keen eyes, she did not appear to have gotten much rest at all, but at least she seemed to have an appetite enough to be feeding herself the new tablets she had had brought in early, unsure she would have gotten to return in time before her escort detail arrived to take her to the Justice District and the impending trial that meant so much to her.

Clearing her throat, Pearl spoke up softly to break the young diamond's trance, "Orange?"

Jerking at the sound her voice, Orange's head whipped around to look at her, the tablets in her hand clattering to the table as she stared wide-eyed at the smaller gem. "Pearl!" she gasped, her hand lowering over her chest as she cleared her throat, the faintest of blushes coloring her cheeks as she blinked the surprise from her face, "I didn't hear you come in. Don't sneak up on me like that."

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