Chapter 59: Entr'acte

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The light of a new day cycle lit up Homeworld's grandest city, growing brighter as the day progressed and shifts changed, gems trading out their jobs to return to cubbies or to move on to another assignment, work never quite done. It filtered in between towering buildings and broad pillars, most notably casting prisms of light through the thick glass of White Diamond's palace, never failing to put on a light show as it glittered against perfectly carved stone and gently crafted crystals. If it hadn't been for the sheer curtains that were heavy with lace patterns and layered upon itself, drawn together in the middle of the night by its owner's companion, the youngest diamond would have been awoken from her deep sleep much sooner in the cycle than she would have cared for. As it was, Orange was still in her bed, leg dangling out of rumpled covers that had only been pulled over her hips as an after thought following her trek to the bed, determined to see Pearl out not too long after their dance and a day that had left her exhausted.


Barely thinking at the time, she had begun picking up pillows along the way and tossing them in the general direction of the bed. Most had managed to make it onto the large mattress, and those that didn't remained where they had fallen, which is how Orange would find herself at an odd angle, shoulder and upper arm raised by an overly stuffed pillow, another jammed under her knee as her leg teetered over the side, with one managing to wedge itself under her back.


"Wuhhh-! What?" The young gem shot up, still half-asleep as she supported herself on her forearm, squint through tired eyes in the direction of the door, not entirely processing what had awoken her yet.


Her eyes narrowed, half tempted to ignore the noise and fall back to the bed to return to sleep. She didn't know what time it was, but she knew she could sleep for a while longer regardless. It wasn't like she had anywhere to be.


The insistent noise made her groan, head falling down to rest against her forearm while she gathered the will to get up. Reluctantly, she sat up, pushing at the covers wrapped around her legs, struggling to free herself as another ping alerted her to her very persistent guest. She figured it definitely wasn't Pearl, she would have entered already without disturbing her.

"I'm coming!" She yelled, agitated, "Give me a moment would you!"

Standing up, the young diamond stretched, pulling her arms over her head as she attempted to rid herself of the odd twinge in her back. Trudging to the door, Orange frowned as she released the lock from her side.

"This better be importan-" Orange blinked, surprised and confused as her gaze was returned with a rather impassive stare from a familiar face. "Iris?"

Iris Agate inclined her head, a small show of respect for the larger gem as one arm was preoccupied with holding a pile of pad cases against her side, "My Diamond."

"I, uhh, ahem," The young Diamond cleared her throat, adjusting her tunic a little more with the presence of her Agate, as if she were a soldier expecting to undergo an inspection. "I wasn't expecting you?"

"I'm sure." Iris' eye looked her superior up and down, assessing her before she could pack it away behind her more professional persona. "You seem scattered, my Diamond. Am I distracting you from something?"

"Only some good sleep." Orange joked good-naturedly, offering the shorter gem a small smile in assurance.

The agate's eyebrows pulled together, head tilting ever so slightly at her response, "I...don't know what that is."

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