Chapter 66: Crystal Clear

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Orange breathed in, a small serene smile spreading across her face as she leaned forward to balance her elbows on her thighs as she looked over the edge of the ship, taking in the sight of the city below. Beside her, Zirconia leaned back, hands bracing herself against the ridge of metal that kept her from sliding backwards into White's Headship, the two of them having perched side by side on the open left eye, appreciating the morning light on their skin and the outside air that was a welcome change from the palace.

Wisps of white clouds drifted overhead, catching alight in pink hues as they seemed to dance amongst stars and spire points. Given how the city had purposely been built around the Diamond's palace, making White Diamond's ship stand out like a revered masterpiece, meant that the two had the greatest view of the city, as well as the start of reconstruction and the mending blackened decay of what had been destroyed. Up so high, Orange was sure that they had the best viewing point in the city, looking down on everything as the ship, and it's owner, did.

She wasn't exactly sure how long she and Zirconia had been together, it felt like weeks, or maybe it had only been a few long days, She couldn't be entirely sure. She had found early on that this world's Pearl hadn't been messing with her when she said that time moved differently here, like time itself would speed up or slow down of its own accord, deciding its own pace as it willed. This meant that days and nights often had little meaning, work, sleep, play, it all occurred uninhibited by the cycle's sporadic changes. And as the days went by, Orange could feel herself growing both stronger, and yet, much more easily tired, like when her body in the real world yearned for nutrients, and yet she felt no hunger here. It was simply another thing Orange chalked up as an oddity about this place.

"This has been such a good day." Zirconia sighed, the lines of her body showing her own fatigue from their endless games and exploration. Days of Tag and Camouflage and exploring every tower that was still standing, Orange having watched in fascination as Zirconia showed her how she could control rooms and build new things through her willpower alone. Unfortunately, she had yet to master the skill as well as her twin, creating doors with little more than a pearl's width worth of room behind them. As such, she had left the creativity to Zirconia, happy enough to let her show off everything she could do.

"Hasn't it?" Orange chuckled, "I haven't had so much fun in what feels like forever." Her small smile began to turn melancholic as she added, "I forgot what playing was like."

"And you want to go back to studying and taking orders?" Zirconia remarked snidely, giggling as she cocked her head, a wide grin on her face as she looked at her, "You should just stay here with me. We could play all day."

Orange shook her head, "As tempting as that is, I do have to go back some time soon."

"Yeah..." Zirconia sighed softly, lips pursing as she rolled her eyes, "no doubt the dust heads are getting impatient."

"How long do you think it's been?" Orange questioned thoughtfully, "For them?"

"I'unno," Zirconia mumbled as she shrugged, "Days? A week, maybe two? I sort of...stopped keeping count?"

Orange's head whipped around, leg pulling up onto the lip of the eye as she turned to gawk at her twin, "Zirconia!"

"What!?" Her twin responded defensively at the rising anger in her voice, before eventually settling down, her eyes lowering in shame, "Sorry, I was having fun. I...I just don't want you to go so soon."

"That's, well, sweet." Orange's glare softened, her sympathy keeping her from feeling further anger for her actions, "But I can't stay in my gem forever. Besides," Orange added a little more insistently, "the others are waiting on us."

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