Ch.3 Breakdowns

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I'm leaving the social studies hallway when I hear a deep voice calling my name. I immediately recognize it as Sage's voice.

"Hey, how do you think you did on your test?" He searches my face, his eyes bore into mine while waiting for an answer, "Hello? Earth to Eden!" He jokes waving his hand in front of my face. I lightly smack it away and look at the ground and mumble "Fine I guess."

"What class do you have next?"

"I have gym," I say making a sour face, "I hate gym."

He smirks at me, as I look at him confused, "We have gym together."

"Oh, cool." Is all I manage to get out. Am I happy to have gym with him? So far he's proven to be a nice guy to me but what if that changes? What if I do or say something wrong and he hits me? Not every guy is like your dad Eden, I remind myself.

"Hey, Eden? Are you okay?" Sage asks me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I guess we are at the locker rooms now. Before Sage can question me more I run into the girls locker room to change into my gym clothes which consist of leggings, and a long sleeve shirt to make sure my bruises and scars are all covered up. The scars aren't all from him. Some are from me.

I am one of the only girls in the changing room so I use this time to quickly change so no one sees my bruises and scars. Just as I'm about to leave Dominique and her friends come strutting in. Luckily, they are more interested in the short shorts and very cropped tops they are going to wear for gym class to be bothered with me right now.

I walk out of the locker room door that leads to the gym to see Sage standing by a group of seniors. I walk into my own little corner and go on my phone, locking and unlocking it, to pass the time until class starts. As I'm doing this Sage walks over to me and stands next to me.

"So," He says, bringing my attention to him, "Do you zone out like that a lot?"

"I-wh-what are you talking about?"

"When we were walking here I was talking to you and you were zoned out, I finally got your attention and you ran away." He finishes talking and I don't know what to say, why would he need to know?

"I guess I do yeah, I just guess I get lost in my thoughts sometimes."

"Me too. Sometimes everything is just too much, and my thoughts are my only getaway." I look at him with curiosity written on my face because I feel exactly the same way. But I also wonder what makes him feel that way.

"Why are you looking at me like that Eden?" He asks smirking.

"Because you understand how I feel." 

We were just staring into each others eyes lost in our own thoughts in the corner when the gym teacher blew her whistle signaling the beginning of class. We looked away from each other and we go to stand by the other kids so that we know what we are doing today.

Then Dominique comes and stands next to me. I tense and Sage must have noticed because in one fluid movement I'm on the other side of him, with him death glaring at her and her friends. The gym teacher explains that we are doing free basketball today, meaning we can play H.O.R.S.E, knockout or just free shoot, with a partner.

The teacher dismisses us to find a partner and start doing basketball things, Dominique immediately says to Sage "Want to be my partner, Sage?" as she says it she bats her eyelashes and she looks absolutely pathetic.

I start to turn away to go find a partner in the group of other loners when my hand is grabbed and Sage says "Actually I'm going to be partners with Eden."

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