Ch.39 We Need to Talk

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The alarm is so annoying. It's the most obnoxious noise. We've been back to school for 2 weeks and I'm all caught up on my work. Dominique has been, for the most part, off my back.

I turn off the alarm and roll onto my stomach and bury my face in my pillow.

"We have to get up." Sage says. I groan and roll over onto my back.

"I know." I say. I slowly get up and go to the bathroom to get ready. I really don't want to go. I get ready and trudge downstairs to get some breakfast. Sage is already down there. I grab an apple because I feel a little sick today.

"You're only going to eat an apple?" Sage asks me.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling great today." He looks worried. "I'm fine, just a little nauseous."

"We don't have to go." He says. I shake my head.

"No, we're going. If I throw up at school then I'll leave but right now I'm fine." I say.

"Okay. If you're sure." Sage says. I nod and Marie comes down.

"Come on lets go! We're going to be late people!" She says. Sage and I get up and and grab our bags and head out the door with Marie. We all get into Sage's car and start the drive to school.

We get there and go to our classes. Me and Sage sit down in French and I'm really dreading coming to school. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I sit back in my chair and take a few deep breaths. I hate throwing up.

"What's wrong?" Sage asks me with worry written all over his face.

"I just feel like I'm going to throw up." I say.

"Do you want to leave?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No, I'm already here."

About halfway through class I get up from my seat and leave the room.

I'm going to throw up.

I run to the bathroom and I know Sage is following me. I go into a stall and throw up. Sage comes in and puts his hand on my back.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I probably just have a stomach bug." He takes the hairband off my wrist and ties my hair back.

"Are you okay now?" He asks and I throw up again. "I guess not." He rubs my back. "Do you want to go home?"

"Yeah. Please." I say. "I'm good now." He helps me stand up and I rinse out my mouth in the sink. I keep my hair up and Sage goes back to the French room to grab our bags. He comes back into the bathroom and takes my hand.

We get in the car and drive home. When we get there I go upstairs and take a shower. I had puke in my hair.

"You alright in there?" Sage asks knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah." I say and turn off the water. I get into my pajamas and plop down onto Sage's bed where he's laying.

"Feeling better?"

"Definitely. My stomachs a little upset still but I'm feeling better."

"I'm going to get you some ginger ale." He says and he walks downstairs. I'm so lucky to have him. He comes back with a can of ginger ale. He hands it to me.

"It's suppose to calm your stomach." He says.

"Thank you, I love you." He kisses my head.

"I love you too. If you need anything tell me." He lays back down next to me and turns on Lilo & Stitch. It's one of my favorite Disney movies and I love that he knows that.

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