Ch.61 It's over

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I'm sitting on a hard bench in the courtroom. My mom is on one side of me and Christian is on the other. Val is also close by. I saw Marie come in, she's sitting in the first row, I'm sitting in the second. She didn't even spare a glance at me.

Sage is sitting at his table with his lawyer. He keeps running his hands through his hair and I can see him bouncing his leg, he's nervous. His mom is on the brink of breaking down, too. Kian and Ross are sitting by me and I'm sure Sage appreciates them being here.

I realize that I don't know what ever happened to Carter. Did we win that battle? That's something I should've asked Sage. I know we couldn't have surrendered because then Sage wouldn't be the leader. So what the hell happened? How did I go this long without knowing or wondering?

The judge comes out and sits down in his chair. Everyone stands and then we sit again.

"Welcome back Mr. Reed. If I remember correctly, this should be your final hearing?" The judge speaks loudly. Sage is still standing.

"Yes sir." Sage says nodding his head. I didn't know this but apparently this whole trial has been going on for months now. This didn't just happen recently, Sam had to tell me this. Sam is sitting next to Marie, they're holding onto each other for dear life. Travis is also here. He gave me an apologetic look.

"All right. Let's get started then." The judge says. My leg is bouncing up and down and my stomach is in knots. Christian interlaces our fingers and I smile at him. He's so good for me. He pushes his blonde hair out of his eyes and smiles down at me.

"It's going to be okay. Whatever the outcome, I'm here for you." He whispers. I nod and turn my attention back to the front of the courtroom. I don't understand half of what's going on but I try my best. The jury listens intensely.

There's a man sitting on the opposite side of the room as Sage and his lawyer. He keeps saying things that go against what Sage is stating. I think he's the lawyer for Mitchel and his family. The ones who are trying to get Sage locked up.

Hearing all the evidence, I don't know who to believe. Sage says he's innocent and being framed but he can't exactly tell anyone that because he can get arrested for gang affiliation. And all the evidence that's being brought against him, I think he's guilty. He's killed many times before, I don't doubt it. It makes me sick. Literally sick.

I stand up with my hand over my mouth and rush to the back of the courtroom. I find the bathroom and throw myself into a stall before emptying my stomach. They showed pictures in there too. Pictures of the crime scene. That certainly didn't help in not making me sick. I stand up, flush the toilet and walk over to the sink.

I look terrible. My skin is pale, my hair is sticking up from me pulling on it out of fear, and my eyes are so tired. I'm so tired of this. I'm tired of the uncertainty and the nerves and anxiety. I'm so tired of almost dying, of people around me dying, of getting hurt emotionally and physically.

None of that happens when I'm with Christian. I don't get hurt in any way, I'm not nervous or anxious. There's no bad uncertainty about whether or not Christians going to be sentenced guilty to murder. I'm healthy and happy when I'm with him. There's not a singular moment where I'm not happy.

I avert my eyes from the mirror and rinse out my mouth. I wash my hands, splash some water on my face, fix my hair and look at myself again. Better. The door to the bathroom creaks open and Christian steps in. He walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my back into him.

"Are you better?" He asks. I turn myself around in his arms and nod.

"So much better." I say. He kisses my forehead and I place my hand in his as we walk out.

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