Ch.40 Announcements

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It's time to look.

"Look at it!" Marie urges me and they both look at me waiting. I pick it up.

"See I'm not-" I stop mid sentence. The girls come to my side and look over my shoulders at it. Val slaps her hand over her mouth.

"No way." Marie whispers in disbelief.

"It has to be wrong. It can be wrong, right?" I say hopefully. Marie and Val both nod.

Right now there are two lines on the test, meaning positive.

"Here take it again." Val says handing me a new test. They leave the bathroom and I pee on the test, again. I wash my hands and they come back in and we sit in our spots on the edge of the bath.

"What if it's positive again?" I say. And they both shrug.

"Go to the doctor I guess." Marie says. "You know to make sure." I nod and play with my necklace. The necklace Sage got me.

"What am I supposed to tell Sage?" I say growing worried.

"Well, don't worry about that right now. We don't know if you actually are." Val says grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I nod and try to calm myself down. I take a few deep breaths and once again Marie's timer goes off.

"I don't want to look." I say putting my head in my hands.

"Whatever happens it's going to be okay and I'm here for you, always." She hugs me and Val joins.

"Same here, boo." Val says.

"I love you guys." I slowly and nervously get up from my spot and head towards the sink counter. I close my eyes and pick it up.

I can't look at it.

I open my eyes and look at myself in the mirror.

I see a girl staring back at me. A young 17 year old girl. Fear shines through her eyes. Pure fear.

I slowly move my gaze down and time seems to stop.

Two lines.

The girls see the look on my face and help me to the ground where I start to cry.

Am I happy?

Am I sad?

How do I feel?

"Let's go to the doctor and make sure, okay? Don't get worked up." Marie tries to calm me down. I nod but tears keep coming.

"Why am I crying? I don't even know if it's true and I don't know how to feel, why the hell am I crying?" Val rubs my back.

"Let's give her a little space." Marie says to Val and they get up and leave the bathroom, closing the door behind them. I reach up and lock it. I want to be alone.

I pick up the two tests and stare at them. Is this real? Am I really?

"Where's Eden?" I hear Sage's say.

"She's in the bathroom." Marie says.

"Is she okay?" He asks. I sniffle, trying to stop crying. I hide the tests in Marie's cabinet and look at myself in the mirror. I look like a whole mess. I wipe the tears away and splash cold water on my face to get rid of the redness. It doesn't work.

"Eden? Are you okay?" Sage asks through the door knocking on it.

"I'm fine! I'll be out in bit." He wiggles the doorknob.

"Eden, please unlock the door." He pleads.

"Sage, I'm fine. I'm just upset. I told the girls about my mom."

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