Ch.18 He's Back

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As I'm being lifted out of the car a horrible pain flashes through my arm. I let out a scream.

"Shhh, you're okay. Daddy's got you now." His voice. He's found me. No. Please no. I'd rather be dead.

"No! No! Put me down! Let me go!" I scream. I thrash against him trying to get him to drop me. It doesn't work. I hear guns firing. I open my eyes and my head pounds. I see that I am indeed in my fathers disgusting arms and he's carrying me to a car. I don't see the bullet coming or the gunshot. All I see is my father dropping me and him cradling his arm and leg. Warm arms scoop me up. It's Carter. Thank god.

"Eden, We're going back to the hospital, okay?" He says rushing me to the car my dad was about to get in. "Eden, stay with me."

"Wh-why are we going to the hospital?" I ask dazed. He looks at me like I have ten heads as Josh joins up with us and gets in the drivers seat as Carter sits in the back with me.

"Eden, you have a huge gash on your head, your arm shouldn't be bent like that, an-and you got shot." Carter says. I look down at myself. I have been shot. There's a bullet wound on my stomach. Carter is keeping pressure on it. His hands are so bloody. Is that all my blood? That's my last thought as I feel the darkness take over my body.

"It must be the adrenaline, Josh hurry up!" Carter shouts. I'm never fully out. I just keep going in and out of consciousness. I open my eyes and look out the window. The sky is so pretty today. It wouldn't be a horrible day to die. At least I got to say goodbye and I love you to Sage. I feel the car stop but I can't open my eyes anymore. Too much work. I can't breathe now. My lungs feel like they're on fire.

"Eden! Eden, stay with me! Please! I can't loose you again! I'm sorry!" I hear Carter say. I want to tell him he's stupid and that he shouldn't be saying sorry but I can't move anything anymore. I just see darkness. I can't feel anything except the burning in my lungs.

"Hurry! Get her into surgery!"

"If we don't start working now we'll loose her!"

"It might be too late!"

That's what I hear as darkness consumes me.

Am I going to die?


~Carter's POV~

I can't lose her. It would be all my fault. Sage would kill me, and honestly, I'd let him. I've had feelings for her ever since we were young. When she moved and I knew something was wrong, I couldn't just do nothing. I liked her and I never had the guts to ask her out. I still like her but of course my brother had to swoop in and take her.

Me and Josh are making our way up to Sage's room to tell him and everyone, what happened. The nurses won't tell me anything, but they also just took her back. As we make our way to his door, I'm certain they'll all kill me immediately. I walk in and they all look at me in horror. I'm still covered in her blood. I start to tear up.

"What the hell happened? And where the fuck is Eden?" Sage yells. I swallow hard.

"We were on our way home when a car smashed into our side. I think Eden broke her arm and she had a really big gash on her head." I hear the girls gasp. I take a shaky breath and hold back tears. "The person who hit us was her dad. He took her out of the car and started to walk away. He had a few men with him but me and Josh shot them. One of the men hit Eden, she got shot. I don't know if it was once or twice. I only know that she did get shot in the stomach and was bleeding really bad. We got her here, but the nurses were shouting things that didn't sound good." I finish letting tears slide down my cheeks. Everyone looks horrified. Sage looks distraught. Marie starts sobbing and Val throws herself around her brother. I go to comfort Sage but he holds his hand up.

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