Ch.22 I Promise

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We get to the cabin before dark. We beat everyone else here though. I get out of the car and I am once again welcomed by the songs of the birds high up in the swaying trees. It's so peaceful here. I hear the streams running. It's absolutely beautiful here especially because it's sunset. The sky is painted a beautiful vibrant orange. There's also pink and purple. How is something natural so bright and beautiful?

Sage grabs my hand when he meets me on my side of the car.

"Come on." He says. I mindlessly follow him. I don't have a care in the world. He leads me to the dock. There's a blanket and pillows set up on it. There are also candles lining the dock.

"Did you do this?" I ask Sage. He nods nervously as he continues to bring me towards the dock. "It's beautiful." I say admiring it. That makes him smile and it seems to have made him less nervous. Why is he nervous? He gestures for me to sit as he does the same.

"My grandma used to say "If something great ever comes into your life, don't ignore it, and don't let it go." He starts. I sit down after he has. He pulls me closer to him. I am sitting with my legs crossed in front of him. He takes my hands in his. It's now that I remember the warmth and safety of his touch. I love him, so much. I don't think I could ever love anyone as much as I love him.

"Eden, you have gone through hell. But you're still here. I think that I've gone through hell, but it's nothing compared to you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner." He says. I go to say something but he shakes his head. "Let me finish. If you don't let me, I won't be able to." Is he breaking up with me? No he wouldn't do that. Then what's he doing?

"When you came into my life, when I first met you, you didn't even have to say anything for me to know that I would fall in love with you. And I have. I'm so in love with you it hurts." He whispers.

"I love you too, so much." I say looking into his eyes. He keeps going.

"You, Eden Elizabeth Holland, You are the greatest thing to ever come into my life. And as my grandma says you don't let something great go. I was going to wait to your birthday but I couldn't." He says reaching into his pocket. Oh my god. What is going on? He just took a ring box out of his pocket.

"Sage, what are you doing?" I ask. He smiles.

"Don't worry, I'm not proposing to you," He says. "Yet." He whispers, but I heard it.

"This isn't an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. It's a promise that I will stay by your side through everything. It's a promise that no matter what, I will fight for you. And most importantly, I will keep you safe. I can't almost lose you again. Almost losing you made me realize that I need you." He opens the box and it's a beautiful ring I'm not going to lie. But what I care about more is what he said.

I take the ring box and lightly toss it to the side. He looks so confused.

"Sage, I don't care about the ring. I love you. All I care about is you and what you just told me. I love you." I say. Next thing I know, we're kissing. I lean back and my back is pressed up against the dock. It's such a beautiful night. His lips start to wonder down my neck. I'm going to have hickeys. Marie and Val will bug me about this for a while. Can't wait. He comes back to my lips. The kiss is needy and full of adoration.

"I WANT A BOYFRIEND!" I hear in the distance. I pull away from Sage to see Marie, Val, and Shawn standing a few feet away from the opposite end of the dock.

"Ugh." I say. Sage laughs and gets off of me getting the ring box and helping me up. We walk down the dock and meet them.

"Nice hickeys." Val says. I hit her in the arm and we all walk up to the house. When we go in I see that someone got pizza. Yum. We all get some pizza and sit down in the living area by the fire. We talk while we eat. Sage is sitting next to me on a couch. Val and Marie are sharing a couch and Shawn is sitting in a chair.

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