Twenty-Nine - David

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I walked into my apartment ready to film with Alex and Dom when I stopped in my tracks. Octavia was rolled up on the couch crying with Alex there supporting her. "What happened?" I asked.

"Well, she came in here and we hung out for about five minutes then she started going quiet and staring into space. When I asked her what was up she started crying. Then she just said Colby, that's literally it" Alex explained. I walked over to her.

"Octavia? What happened?" I asked. Alex picked up my camera but I ignored him. "Octavia?" she wiped some tears. "Why'd you start crying?" she pointed to her phone. I picked it up.

'You're such a slut' 'You definitely cheated on Colby' 'Stop kidding yourself, you made this video to guilt trip him into getting back with you' 'Stupid slut' 'Colby deserves better'

My mouth dropped open in shock. "Oh my god, that's horrible" I gave her a side hug. She sniffed, wiped the remaining of the tears, then took her phone from my hand. She was typing something when she completely froze. Her mouth gaped open.

"I gotta go..." she mumbled. Before we could stop her, she was gone. I didn't fail to notice the dagger in her pants. 

"What do you think happened?"

"Probably some good news. Maybe her brother?" Alex suggested.

"Let's hope so," I said. "You know, I'm not really that good of a friend with her but that makes me so sad I'm about to cry. To see her so sad like that? Likes jesus, leave the girl alone you pricks" 

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now