One Hindred and Thirty-Two - Notes

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I know you finding this note will be confusing for you and may make you a bit upset at first but I need you to understand that I have good reason to do this.

I've been getting texts from real dangers. People who will hurt anyone they need to. And this includes anyone I love. That includes you, mom, and Colby and my girls and my friends. I couldn't bare anything happening to any of you.

And so, I've had to leave for a while. This won't be permanent in any way but it is still going to be a little while.

I need you and Colby to work together to look after my girls, your girls. And I want you to text me everyday. Tell me something about Rose that's happened. Things you've learned she doesn't like or things she loves. Her progress. Everything. I want to know.

I love you, mom. And I'm sorry for doing this. -Octavia. 


Bro, this is going to be the worst news for a while. At least for you. I'm sorry I'm doing this but I have to disappear. There's some people who threaten to hurt the people I love. I can't let that happen, you understand.

I'm leaving so that you're all safe and so that I can pick them off from the top dog down to every little informant.

They won't get away with fucking with the Rowland family. And they certainly won't get away with fucking with me and threatening my family. The worst decision they'll ever make.

Love you dude, protect my girls. That includes Faith. -Octavia. 


Girl, I know. This is terrible for me to do. And at a time where it's so inappropriate too. Summer, or soon to be, the time of happiness and memory making.

I need to go to protect you all. If anything happened to anyone, I could never forgive myself. Especially if I could do something about it.

This is me doing something. I'm going to make it safe forever.

Please, look after Gracie and Rose for me as much as you can. I love you, sis. -Octavia


Where do I start? We clicked immediately. I couldn't imagine a cooler firmed or anyone whose more like me. We went through hell together. Prison. That hard part of our lives.

Anyway, I'm leaving. I'm disappearing. It's a notch move and I know. I'm so very much aware of that but there's literally nothing I can do.

I can't leave what's going on because the people I care about will get hurt. So I'm going out to eradicate the enemy.

I need you to look after Callum for me, please. And have a relationship with my girls. You're amazing. -Octavia. 


Hey, bro. I met you over two years ago. We're not far from three years! You became a great friend to me and you're basically Colby's brother. You met little Rose and bought her things even on random days.

Then, more recently, you've supported your girlfriend's decision to abort the baby rather than forcing her into something or getting mad at her. Mad respect, man.

You're going through so much mentally lately, which is upsetting Colby because he loves and he doesn't want to see you sad. He doesn't even want you to frown. Ever.

I need you to look after him, yeah? He has Rose and Gracie now so I need you to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I will come back, I just need some time to remove a threat from our lives.

And look after Kat. She needs it right now.

You're the best, dude. -Octavia. 


Wow, you're going through so much! Just because you cried doesn't mean you aren't a strong woman. You went through finding out you were pregnant to convincing your boyfriend of your decision to actually going through with it. I've never respected a woman more.

Thank you for being such a brilliant friend to me. I had no idea how close we'd be when we met years ago. Please never change. The world needs your bubbly attitude.

I want you to look after Colby with the others for me? He's like your brother, or you act like siblings anyways. I love you, girl -Octavia. 


First of all mom, I want you to read this out loud so that Rose can hear it. She may not understand but I need her to know these things.

My beautiful daughter. I love you so much and have ever since I found out about you. I've been excited and I've wanted to see how you would look and how you would turn out.

I'm hoping to god I'll be there to see all of this. I'm sure I will be even though I'm going away for a little while right now.

You mean so much to me. You and your sister were the hardest to walk away from. As well as your idiot father, of course.

I love all three of you to pieces. -Octavia. 


Damn. Here goes. I've written notes to my mom, Callum, Emily, Faith, Sam, Kat, and Rose. I have plans to speak to Gracie in person. Anyways, baby.

I'm so sorry for what I'm doing. I know you're going to worry because it's what you always do when I go missing or disappear.

This time, it's going to be for a little while. I'm not gonna lie and come back in like a month but I WILL NOT miss Rose birthday or Gracies or yours. I refuse.

If you're wondering why I'm going, it's because I need to keep you guys safe. I never told you but I've had threats for what's felt like forever. They have always come through text and never worried me in the slightest. Mainly because I had very little to love and the people I did love, my mom brother, sister, and daughter, were all safe. but since I met you, I realized I had more people who couldn't necessarily care for themselves. Not in this situation.

If anything were to ever happen to you, any of you, I could not forgive myself for putting you in that situation. You have such a bright future with Sam and Youtube and if you don't want Rose to get in the way, I want you to take her stuff to my mother's house. Though, I hope you want to keep looking after her because she loves you already and you're her dad. The same goes for Gracie.

This threat I've been talking about became oh so real not long ago when I was out with Rose. I met the person sending them. It was planned by him and he actually touched Rose's face. I can't tell you the anger I felt btu I knew right then I had to do something otherwise some of you would get hurt. And so, I've decided that I need to leave for a little while to chase these guys down. I need to stop them from ever hurting anyone.

For now, I want you and Callum to work together to protect our girls while I'm gone.

I will come back, I just don't know when.

I'm sorry. I love you more than anything in the world. -Octavia <3

I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. I just wanted to get this out soon <3

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