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Get. Ready. For. This. Could be good or bad... I'm not saying anything.

I walked quickly away from the building and hopped into my car. I drove back to the apartment where Brennen, Jake - Brennen's brother, and Colby were sitting in the living room. I hid the small card in my back pocket and went into the bedroom. I stashed the card beneath the coaster with the old card on the bedside table then joined the guys.

"Hi, Octavia, how are you?" Brennen asked me.

"Hi, I'm good thanks. You?"

"Good. Jake here recently bought a really nice house." I raised my eyebrows.

"Wow, really? Why d'you need a house?" I questioned, sitting beside Colby. 

"Just fed up of being in an apartment and I have money from Brennen. Who, hopefully, won't screw me over. I heard you're wearing a very special ring on your finger." Jake pointed to the only ring I've ever worn and, other than the wedding band, ever will wear.

"Yes, I am."

"Speaking of, what about the fans, bro?" Brennen pointed from the ring to Colby.

"They're going to be told very soon, hopefully. We just want to go through a few more things first like the schedule. Get organized before we tell a hell of a lot of people." I answered for Colby.

"What about your parents?" Jake asked. He leaned back on the couch comfortably.

"Well, none of them are really online so we still have time to go and tell them. Gage might find out, though." Colby said. 

When Colby and I were alone, I took a few breaths. The time has come. "Colby. I need to talk to you."

"Is everything ok?" he asked in a worried tone. I gave him a smile and a nod to calm the nerves I could see in his eyes.

"One second." I ran to the bedroom and grabbed the two cards I had, placing them into my pocket. "Ok, so, this is very important."

"Ok." I sat next to him again, placing my hands onto his arm. I took another deep breath. This is not the time for my emotions to be getting the better of me.

"We're going to have to push back when I get my wedding dress." I said to him. He frowned, deeply confused.

"Why?" he was staring into my eyes.

"Because god knows how big I'll be by then." I tried to add humor. He hasn't clocked it, yet.

"What do you mean?" I sighed heavily.

"Colby... think about it." he broke his gaze from me. His expression looked so pensive. I could tell he hadn't figured it out. "I'm pregnant, Colby, and, obviously, it's yours."

"W-what?" a blank face. Please be happy about it. "Please don't say you're joking because that's really cruel."

"I'm not joking, Colby." I pulled the two cards - otherwise known as baby scans - that I got from the building - otherwise known as the hospital - earlier. I handed them both to him, allowing him to take in the information. I saw him examining every detail of the little human being inside of me.

"Oh my god..." I was attacked with a hug, pushing me backward. "I can't believe it!" he had a sparkle in his eye when he leaned back. His eyes traveled down to my stomach. "How far along? Wait! How have I never noticed that bump?!" it was true that I had no idea how no one had noticed it yet. It's small but definitely noticeable.

"Eight weeks."

"Two months?!" he suddenly frowned. "Wait... you've only been back from prison for two weeks. You were pregnant in jail?!"

"It's when I found out. I was supposed to have my period while in the cell but it never came and I'm never late. I got it confirmed and a scan the first moment I could, which was six weeks. That one is the scan I had done today." I pointed to the bigger being on the little pieces of card. Colby's jaw dropped.

"How have you kept it quiet so long? You could have told me sooner." he placed a hand gently on my cheek and brushed his thumb over my cheekbone.

"I could have and I should have, I'm sorry. It's just... I didn't know how to tell you then we went to the beach and you proposed then you were talking about ki-" he did one of those cliche moments where he kisses me to shut me up. It works, though. I kissed him back.

"You're going to have a big baby bump at our wedding." Colby reminded me, staying close to my face. I smiled at the thought. Those are going to be some cute photos. 

"I'll be six months pregnant, twenty-four weeks... ish." that made him smile, too.

"I still don't know how I haven't already seen your baby bump! Now that I know, it's so obvious to me!"

"Well, I've also managed to keep my morning sickness away from you." I told him.

"I forgot about that! Oh my god! I need to pay more attention to you!"

"The ring on my finger and the baby in my stomach tells you how much attention you pay to me, Colby." we made eye contact again, something I was glad happened because I could see how happy he looked. 

So, when I asked if you guys wanted her to be pregnant, most of you said not yet and some said yes and then there was one person (I'm so sorry I can't remember who) who said that Octavia and Colby could get married first... so I compromised!

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