One Hundred and Twenty-Nine

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I walked into my apartment with Rose on my side to find a lot of people inside. I stopped and looked between them all. "Awe! It's a cute baby!" Kevin exclaimed as he rushed over to me, brushing a bit of Rose's hair from her face. It's so dark and long by now. Rose cowered away from him, almost crying.

"Sorry, Kevin. She's just a little tired." I smiled at him then looked past him to see my husband wearing furry red handcuffs attached to Sam. In order to not laugh, I had to cover my mouth. "Good to know you're still having fun, Colby." I said after waving hello to the other people such as Kat, Mike, and Reggie.

"It's for a v-" He wasn't able to finish as Rose had spotted him and was wriggling to get away from me.

"Dadda. Dadda." She was saying excitedly. I laughed but didn't hand her over.

"Sam, if you make Colby drop Rose... well let's just say I still have my weapons." I threatened. He made fake wide-eyes before I handed Colby our daughter. Since he only had his left arm, I stood close at first. Rose laid her head on his shoulder.

"This is quality video content." Reggie stated. I smiled and shook my head.

"Do. Not. Drop her. I'm going to change." I kissed Colby's lips then headed off to Colby and I's bedroom. I found a Colby hoodie and a pair of yoga pants to replace the jeans and t-shirt I was wearing.

When I returned, Colby was still holding Rose but she was more awake, looking at all of the people. "Looking good." Kat teased, a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you, Kat." I took Rose from Colby only to place her on the couch. She was starting to sit up and to sit up kinda well. She could hold herself up mostly without help.

"Maybe that should be a video? To do some sort of challenge with Rose." I stared blankly at Mike until he realised his mistake. "Sorry."

"We just don't want her in too many videos." Colby told everyone as I surprise picked up Rose. She giggled, warming my heart. 

"Speaking of kids, where's Gracie?" Kevin whined.

"She's having a sleepover at her cousin's. And Rose is going to her Nana's tonight." I saw the smirks from the others before I even turned around.

"So it's just gonna be you and Colby, huh?" Sam asked. He was the only one trying to hide his smirk.

"Say no more." Kevin sat down on the couch.

"I won't." I was about to leave to change Rose so that my mom would have less to do when I dropped her off but I stopped. "Colby. Why don't you change Rose?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Really?" He replied, not amused.

"Reggie, film it. Here you go." I handed Rose back to my husband as I sat on the couch with my phone.

"Sam, I swear don't make me drop my child." Colby said as he started to walk away. Kat sat next to me, turning to me.

"What's it like? To live with a baby?" I frowned at her, glancing down at her stomach.

"I'm not pregnant." She laughed. "I just wanna know."

"Yeah me too." Kevin shuffled forward.

"Well, at first you think it's really hard because the baby will cry more. For example, Rose had a really loud cry when she really meant it but now she barely makes a sound unless she's babbling." Everyone was listening so intently. "And then there's when they start crawling. She's close, very close, and that's when changing gets really hard to do."

"You have to put up with so much though." Kevin said truthfully. I nodded.

"Yes, you do. But then there are the times you make them laugh or smile and when they call you mom or dad. All of that makes all of the other stuff worth it."

"Wow, that was so beautiful." Kat's head was resting on her hands as she leaned forward toward me in interest.

"Thank you. I think about that sort of thing a lot... I'm gonna check on the boys." I walked into Rose's room to find Colby sitting in the chair, Rose on his lap and Sam standing next to them. Reggie was stood nearby, camera down. "Hey."

"Oh, hey. She was just babbling away a little." Sam told me.

"Are you guys going to be heading out?" I put a few extra diapers into Rose's carry-bag.

"Maybe just to Sam's?" Colby shrugged. I put the bag on my shoulder then picked up my daughter.

"Alright, well I'm going to take Rose to my mom's."

"Okay, see you later." 

I pushed my key into the front door and twisted it. No one was here because everything was silent. I got myself a drink of water before going to my bedroom. I laid on my back on my bed. My head pounded for a little while, a pain that definitely wasn't welcome. But, eventually, it died down. Around the same time that I heard the commotion in the hallway. Definitely Colby and crew.

I kept my eyes closed when I heard the front door. All was silent in the apartment once more until footsteps approached the bedroom door. "Hey." Colby's soft voice sent chills down my spine.

"Hey. Welcome back from your... adventure." I frowned at myself.

"Thanks, happy to be back. So, we finally have the apartment to ourselves." I sat up to see him staring at me from across the room. 

"Yes, we do." I opened out my arms. Colby stepped into them, giving me a short hug before kissing me gently. It felt so caring. That's until he started to slowly push me onto my back and his kisses got hungrier, needier.

Guess we know what we'll be doing all night.

I woke up alone in bed, at least that's what I thought. During my time trying to stay asleep, I started to smell something good. When I opened my eyes, I saw Colby sitting on the foot of the bed with a plate in his hands. "Good morning, sleepyhead." He teased as he got up and leaned down, pecking my lips.

"Morning?" I sat up, rubbing my face tiredly. "What are you doing, Colby?" He smiled as he handed me the plate, breakfast on top of it.

"I figured since neither of us has to get up for a while, I'd do you breakfast in bed." A smile spread across my face causing a chain reaction.

"You're so adorable." I pulled him into a short but sweet kiss. He rushed over to his side of the bed, sitting next to me and leaning against the headboard.

"So, just the other day..."

Hey! I'm just here to say hello. I saw the handcuff video last night and thought I'd write a little something including it. Also isn't Colby just the most adorable little bean? Anyways, enjoy.

Soul - Colby BrockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang