One Hundred and Thirty-Three - Third POV

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Mrs. Rowland knocked lightly on the apartment door of her daughter and son-in-law. Though, the face she expected was not there. Instead of the man her daughter had married, there was her son, Callum. He looked beyond pissed and worried all at the same time. For just a split second, she was fighting back the tears.

"So it's really real." She mumbled to herself as the young girl in her arms shuffled her head. Callum's eyes flicked down to his niece. She was fast asleep in his mother's arms with no way of knowing why she wouldn't see her own mother for a little while. 

"You might want to come in." Callum stepped aside for the grown woman and baby. Inside the apartment was a few people. Colby, Emily, Gracie, Sam, Kat, and Faith. Everyone who had gotten a letter.

The moment Mrs. Rowland had come inside, Colby saw her. He leaped up and rushed over to her for his daughter. Of course, she didn't stop him. Rose is the only thing he'll have for now. As well as Gracie if she stays. Colby sat down on the couch, the baby still in his arms. He had been fighting back the tears for what felt like hours.

"Gracie, did you get a note?" Mrs. Rowland asked. Emily shook her head, her arm around the young girl. "Then how do you know?"

"Mommy visited me before she left. She told me to look after all of you." Gracie smiled at the thought of her mother but it soon died at the thought of what could happen. What if something happened and she could never see her again? How could she cope? What could she do with herself?

"We need to go out and kill those bastards so that she doesn't have to." Faith growled out. It was low in her throat and full of both anger and stress. She was now clutching Callum's hand so hard it was actually hurting him.

"But that's going against what she's asked." Mrs. Rowland advised her. In all her years of raising Octavia, she'd found out that whatever she said had to be done and that she'd never stop.

"Are you really suggesting that we just forget about her?!" Faith exclaimed. She covered her mouth in case she'd woken the baby up, but she hadn't.

"No." Callum stated. His authority from his time as leader of the gang was really showing through. "We don't forget about her."

"Then what do we do?" Kat's voice was quiet and scared. She'd never really been through anything like this.

"We have to do what she says." Callum's dark eyes locked on the love of his sister's life who had said nothing since they all got there. "We need to look after each other. Work together."

"But..." Faith started. He gently squeezed her hand while looking at her face.

"If she got back and saw us like this, she'd kill us on the spot." That made a few people smile a little including Colby. He was thinking about her because he already missed her. When he woke up that morning and saw she wasn't lying next to him, he had the worst feeling. And after reading the note... well he'd never felt his heart drop so hard.

"If I know my daughter at all, I'd say that she'll get this all sorted very quickly. I have no doubt that she wants to get back and quickly. I mean, I can see three reasons right in front fo me." Mrs. Rowland looked between Colby, Gracie, and Rose. The three people she'd protect under any circumstance and, as she was doing, would do anything for.

"What about the fans?" Sam spoke up. No one had thought about that. How could they? They were all more worried about Octavia's safety. More than anything.

"We'll tell them she's having a break." Finally, Colby said something. He looked up from his sleeping daughter to his best friend. "She doesn't want to be on camera at all for a while."

"But won't they ask why?" Kat added.

"Just don't tell them." Callum said. He looked between Sam and Kat. He didn't know them well at all but he knew that Octavia saw Sam almost like a brother to her and definitely saw Kat as a sister.

"And what about our friends? They'll know she's not around." Faith questioned suddenly.

"I guess you'll have to tell them that she's gone somewhere on vacation or something." Mrs. Rowland shrugged her shoulders. "But the fewer people who know the truth, the better."

"Right." Sam nodded. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. None of them had any idea of what to do anymore. So do they all part ways right now and go back to life? Or do they tell the fans first? Or their friends? Do they all do something together to get their minds off of everything?

There's one thing they were all certain of, though. They'd have to play the waiting game to see Octavia again.

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