Fifty-Three - Octavia

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I kissed his neck a few times then shuffled to get more comfortable. I had my eyes closed because I didn't want to face the looks of his family. I was so damn lucky I found Colby.

"Colby is she asleep already?" 'Mom' asked.

"No, she's just hiding," Colby replied. 

"No need to hide, sweetie, it's OK, it was cute," I stayed hidden. Colby chuckled.

"I don't think she's gonna come out of hiding,"

"That's OK, too,"

"Movie?" 'Dad' asked. That caught my attention a little bit. I stayed still, though as the others agreed. I heard the beginning of a movie I'd seen before so I let myself slip into sleep. I wasn't sure how long it'd been, but at one point I felt myself being picked up and carried. I remained 'asleep' as the person placed me down on a bed. The sound of a door closing then the sound of shuffling, then the sound of a light switch, then someone laid down next to me and pulled me close to them. I opened my eyes at that point. The room was dark but I could just about see we were in Colby's room. He had his eyes closed in front of me and he was clearly shirtless, I could also tell from the heat. His breathing was even, not asleep but trying to. I quickly pecked his cheek, making his eyes open.

"Hi," he said.


"When did you wake up?"

"At some point when you were carrying me," he smiled. "I can be a very heavy sleeper but when I'm not, the smallest things wake me up," I explained.

"I'm always a heavy sleeper," he said.

"I know," we talked with low volume for a little while. Eventually, he kissed me. It seemed to be a peck at first but then he came back for more. We ended up making out for a really long time. Not wanting to accidentally tell the whole house what we were doing, though, we didn't go much further than that. 

Skipping one day ahead, it was Colby's birthday. I didn't get up when I awoke, instead, I stayed buried in the sheets and snuggled into Colby. It was so warm and nice I didn't want to move. I must have been off in my own world or something though because I didn't hear the three intruders enter the room. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLBY!" they all yelled. I felt Colby jerk awake but I knew I looked like shit so I covered my face with my hand and his chest.

"Guyssss, how did you figure out how to use my camera?" he asked. Great, there was a camera, too.

"It's not rocket science," I could imagine Gage rolling his eyes. 

"Sorry, Octavia," he mumbled to me.

"It's fine," I said, sighing. 

"Could you have at least waited for us to get up?"

"Well, you should be up anyway! You have a flight later," 

"I know," I could now imagine Colby rolling his eyes. 

"Present time!" 'Mom' shouted. I smiled. I had gotten Colby a new ring because I knew he wanted a certain one, which I'd bought for him.

"Let us get up!" Colby said.

"Nope, all you gotta do is sit up and accept the presents, Colby. Sorry, Octavia, you can go back to sleep if you want,"

"Don't mind if I do," I rolled over so that I was facing away from Colby and the intruders. I kept my one hand covering the one side of my face while the other was lazily hanging somewhere or something I wasn't sure. I almost fell asleep, not hearing what Colby got from each person but at the same time feeling aware of my surroundings. I did hear a door close then a light tap on my back. "Hm?"

"They're gone, babe," Colby said. I rolled back over. "Thank god, right?" I smiled and nodded. 

"I got you a present, too," I had finally opened my eyes and he wasn't lying. It was like they never came in. I rushed over to my suitcase, going into the secret pocket and pulling out the small box. He eyed it the entire time I was walking back to the bed. I crawled over to him, as he'd now laid down. Mind reader. "Here," I handed him the box. The moment he saw what was inside his jaw dropped. 

"You remembered?" he asked.

"Of course I remembered, dumbass!" I laughed. He sat up and gave me a huge hug. Right after, to my surprise at first, he kissed me. I kissed him back. He pushed me so I was lying down after just seconds. I giggled probably too loud but I didn't care right now. We laid in the same place until the door swung open.

"Cut. It. Out." Gage said from the door. I turned my face so he couldn't see.

"Go away, Gage," Colby said, barely moving. "We're not gonna do anything,"

"Sure, whatever," the door shut again so I turned my face back to look at Colby. He pecked me about five times until he stayed for more. I flipped us over then pulled away, standing up.

"Sorry, we should get up," I said when he pouted at me. "Love you," I added. That earned a smile.

"Love you, too," he said as he got up himself. 

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