Chapter 2

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"Farheen please can't you see I'm sleeping." I said to my annoying sister who was busy singing on top of her lungs.

"Dii it's almost 8, so just to let you know you are getting late." She said and walked out of the room while I nodded my head.

"YA ALLAH." I jolted up from my bed and hurriedly entered the washroom. 
After getting ready I looked at myself in the mirror. White kurta with a jeans while my head was covered in a black hijab. Not wasting any time I left saying my salaam to mom.

I was waiting for the bus but as I was already getting late I started walking to my work.

I looked at the weather and smiled to myself. Sunny. Just like I prefer.

I was walking while looking around when my eyes fell on the cat that was in the middle of the road. 

I smiled at the cat but that's when I heard a car speeding up. I looked at the right to see a car making it's way towards the cat not bothering about it. 

I hurriedly jumped in front of the car taking the cat in my embrace.

I had closed my eyes but when I did not feel any pain I turned around to look at a boy in his 20's.

He was very a black suit probably the richest man in the city.

I started yelling at him while he stood there emotionless. Not showing any emotions at all while I got more pissed off.

"Girl I don't take orders." He said and was about to leave making me more angry.

"Are you the president? No, right so don't think about yourself as a great person, you are just a normal person. So you have to think about people around you too." I said fiercely  making him stop.

"I definitely am not the president but I'm much more bigger personality. Do you even know who I am?" He questioned me looking around watching the people surrounded with their mouths zipped and their head hung low making me more angry.

"I don't even care whoever you are you don't get to play with life." I said taking a step forward looking at his feisty nature.

"I'm Saif Khan the person who owns this city and just to let you know you are gone." He said making me feel the ground beneath me slip while my eyes widening in horror.

I couldn't just believe myself that I had an heated argument with the person who owns this city. The Saif Khan.

I was still lost in my own thoughts when his voice brought me back to reality.

"I'll make your life a living hell. You will never forget me and Mark my words you Miss whoever you are" He said making me shiver.

He walked away but not before clicking my picture.

Why would he click my picture?

I was thinking about him when suddenly everyone pounced on me with their terrified faces making me more scared.

"You shouldn't have talked to him like that. He will now take revenge."

"Yeah I have heard his revenge leads to death."

Everyone started talking while I suddenly felt not well hearing everything. I slowly started walking towards my house in a haze.

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