Chapter 13

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I touched my forehead where I could still feel his lips lingering. I couldn't stop the blush that was now etched on my face.

"Safa appi you there?" I heard faiz calling me. Rubbing my cheeks and clearing my throat I said,

"Yeah I'm. I'll be out right now." I said and after gaining courage I opened the door while my head hung low.

"Now what's the matter with you?" He asked me eyeing while I shrugged my shoulder.

"What?" I asked pretending to be normal but I could still feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

"Why are you so flushed?" Farheen asked me while narrowing her eyes at me while I shook my head.

"Why will I be flushed?" I asked her back looking around to find him somewhere but unfortunately did not spot him anywhere.

"Di, let's go." Farheen said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah let's leave." I said and that's when I noticed faiz carrying a bag.

"What's this?" I asked taking the bag and checking it.

"Farheen loved it and couldn't stop herself from buying." Faiz said rolling his eyes at her.

"Di it's beautiful. You will love it too." She said and I shook my head at her.

"Let's get out of here." I said and we walked towards the car. The walk to the car I looked around to get a glimpse of him but to my luck I did not find him.

Defeated I sat in the car and after buckling the seat belt I looked in the rear view mirror to see him standing against his car smiling. I took a better look at him and realised he was in his work clothes. Does that mean he was here for some work and not to meet me?

I felt bad thinking he wasn't here for me but rather his work. I glared at him from the mirror but he did not stop smiling.

"Shall we?" Faiz brought me back from my glaring.

"Yeah please." I said and looked in the rear view mirror to find him missing!

Where did he disappear?

"Appi what are you looking at?" Farheen asked me while I shook my head at her.

"Nothing." I said and looked at Farheen.

The entire drive to home I couldn't stop myself thinking about the little moment in the changing room. In that moment I felt he cared. In that moment I felt he loved me. I didn't knew what I had seen was true or no but in that moment I had felt loved.

"Apppppiiiii." I heard my name being yelled.

"What's wrong?" I asked turning around to Farheen to only realise we have reached.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you!?" She asked eyeing me while I looked away from her.

"Nothing's wrong, let's go." I said and turned to look for faiz who was watching the both of us.

"What?" I asked faiz who still was staring at me.

"Nothing, but just to let you know I agree with Farheen here. Something is definitely wrong with you." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Nothing now let's go." I said and turned to look at Farheen who had almost reached inside.

"After you darling." He said and I couldn't stop the giggle

"You call me appi and yet you call me with those name. Stick with one." I said walked along with him.

Mom opened the door and I could see her looking at me worried. But before I could ask her anything she walked away from us while we looked at each other in confusion.

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