Chapter 14

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Walking towards your cabin while everyone looks at you as if they have seen some ghost isn't a good thing right? But he did not care and the smile on his face said it.

He entered his cabin with a smile that wouldn't leave his face from the time he had left from Safa's house.


The way she smiled. The way she would look at him with those dark brown eyes, captivating him every time he would look into them. The way she would blush and would try hiding it from him. The way she would narrow her eyes at him. The way she would yell at him for not taking care. The way she would fight him back leaving him speechless. Everything about her mesmerized him. He himself couldn't or did not wanted to believe that he was in love with a girl who had actually yelled at him in front of many people just for a cat. But he couldn't help. He couldn't help falling in love with her. He knew he was in love with her when she had taken uttermost care of him without hesitating and without complaining about it. He had even started talking like her. He has even started accepting his religion which he had forgotten long ago. But he did not wanted that. He did not wanted to love someone. He did not wanted someone to love him and that's the reason he had said to her about the divorce but that day he couldn't sleep knowing she wasn't besides him. It was like she was healing him. With her besides him, he wouldn't get those nightmares that haunted him and he was relieved. And when he had seen her with some other guy he couldn't stop being insecure, being jealous and had accepted that he loved her. He couldn't bring himself to tell this to Safa due to the fear of rejection, knowing that she hated him and that's the reason he had visited her parents and had asked for another chance.

Suddenly remembering the conversation that took place in the living room after Safa left, he sighed.

Few hours ago

"Sir tell me what do you want? I am ready to pay you but please leave my daughter alone. I beg you. " I heard Safa's dad begging me. I looked at the both of them when suddenly they both came and caught hold of my legs.

"Ya Allah, what are you'll doing. Leave my legs." I said and pulled myself back while they looked at me with tears in their eyes.

"Sir forgive her for her mistakes. If you want I can pay you any amount but leave my daughter." He said and I looked at Safa's mom who stood behind him.

"I'm not here to punish her Sir." I said and he looked at me taken aback.

"Sir don't call me sir. I'm your employee." He said and I looked at him.

"Well you no longer are." I said looking at him while he looked at me terrified.

"Ya Allah sir if you remove me from the job what will happen to my family?" He asked and I smiled at him.

"I will take care of your family." I said smiling at him while he looked at me puzzled.

"Sir I genuinely want Safa back in my life. I know our marriage was an agreement, a deal but now I have actually started caring for her. I cannot live a single day without her. A day without her and I was terrible. I didn't realise what was wrong with me until I saw Safa with another man. Sir, I love Safa. I want to marry her in a proper way with your blessing." I said while taking his folded hands in mine.

"You love Safa?" Her mom asked who was numb from the time the conversation took place.

"Yes, I do love Safa and I'm ready to prove it to you." I said without any hesitation while she looked at me as if she was thinking about something.

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