Chapter 7

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I stirred in my sleep but I found a hand wrapped around me. I opened my eyes to see my husband sleeping peacefully. This was the first time I was looking at him with concentration.

He had fair complexion with thick eyebrows. His nose was big probably the reason for his everlasting anger. His lips were small and pink in colour. His eyelashes were long that any girl would die for. He had a black spot on his left side of the neck. I was admiring him when I saw a scar below his neck. As he was shirtless I moved in his arm and took a look at his scar. The scar was deep and couldn't be seen until seen with concentration. The scar lowered and continued below his back too. I touched his scar and he moved slightly in his sleep. Scared I closed my eyes. After few seconds when I did not feel any movement I opened my eyes to see him starring at me.

"Good Morning." I mumbled with a deep scarlet colour on my face.

"Morning." He replied and got off from bed.

"You don't have to come to work and I'll keep maid for the household chores." He said with his back to me leaving me surprised.

"I don't need any maids, I can work." I protested but he did not say anything and entered the washroom.

I left from his room and entered my room. Taking my clothes I walked inside the washroom to take a bath.  The scene from last night came running to me making me shiver.

What if Saif wasn't on time?  Would he had taken my advantage? Why did Saif say sorry? And why is he acting like this today? And most importantly what is the reason behind the scar?

Many thoughts ran in my mind not letting me know the time.

I walked out and saw the time making my eyes go wide,

"Ya Allah it's late." I said and ran down scared of his anger. I saw him sitting on the dining table.

"I'm-I'm sorry, I got late." I said and started preparing the breakfast for him.

"It's okay." He said while I looked at him surprised. He did not bother looking at me and continued reading the newspaper.

After I had prepared the breakfast, I stood there watching him have it. He was a different person today. He did not yell at me nor did he comment anything. After having his breakfast he stood and left without looking at me. I started collecting the plates when I saw his mobile phone on the table. I took the phone and turned around only to bump into him.

"Sorry. " He said holding my wrist preventing me from falling.

"No problem,  your phone." I said standing his phone while he took the cell and started walking while I continued working.

"Safa." He called me and I turned around to look at him.

"Take Care." He said smiling at me while I looked at him in utter amusement.

He walked away while I stood there gazing at his retarding back.

"Did he just say that?" I asked myself while I knew my face would now be resembling a tomato.

"Ya Allah has he really changed or is he faking it?" I mumbled to myself and continued my work.


"Ya Allah where is he, it's almost 2." I whispered to myself and looked at the door.

"Has he gone for a party?" I mumbled but shaking my head I pushed the thought aside.

"Let me call in his office." I took the phone and dialled the office number but no one received.

"I'll call him itself." I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up the call.

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