Chapter 35

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"Safa come on have your food." Saif said looking at her plate that was untouched while she shook her head.

"I don't want to have. I am not hungry." She said getting up and he rolled his eyes at her tantrums.

"You are not going anywhere without having your food." He said walking to her while making her sit.

"But.." She opened her mouth to say something but he forced in a morsel of food and she looked shocked at him.

"That's not fair." She said after taking a sip of water.

"Everything is fair in love, darling." He said and smirked at her, while she glared at him.

"Bad Saif." She said sticking her tongue out at him while he smiled at her.

"I'm bad now come on, open your mouth." He said taking another morsel but she shook her head.

"I'll drop you at your mother's place in the evening." He said and she still shook her head, clearly indicating a no.

"Okay, what do you want so that you can have your food?" He asked her tired and she looked at his tired figure, feeling guilty.

He had cooked the entire food without her help, and the food was good too but she did not wanted to have because she knew if she eats the food then she would have to have those tasteless medicines which she hated to the core.

"Nothing." She said and opened her mouth just for him for she knew he had worked a lot and that was clearly visible on his face and he smiled at her while feeding her.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked and she looked at him for a few seconds to know whether he was serious or no.

"Tell me." He asked again keeping the food aside once she had ate.

"What about your food?" She asked looking at his plate and he turned to his plate and then back to her.

"I'll have my food but tell me first what do you want to do?" He asked and she did not reply instead pulled his plate and brought a morsel near his lips.

"Do aaa." She said opening her own mouth and he looked at her in amusement before opening his mouth and she fed him grinning.

"I just want to stay home." She said and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. The girl who wanted to enjoy a few minutes ago now wanted to do nothing but stay at home.

"Really?" He asked and she nodded her head while feeding him.

"Okay." He said not understanding the sudden change in her mood and he did not wanted to argue so he kept quiet nodding his head.

After she had done feeding him he got up and brought her medicines. After checking the slip he handed her, the medicines while she looked at him with a pleasing face but he shook his head and she gulped the medicines with great difficulties making weird faces.

"That was horrible." She said making a vomiting face and he rolled his eyes at her.

"Those aren't much horrible. You are just overreacting." He said and she looked at him shocked.

"I'm overreacting? I?" She asked standing up while keeping her hands on his waist and he looked at her shocked.

"No?" He said, mere like questioning him and she eyed him.

"Those were horrible. I know it because I was the one who gulped it and not you." She said glaring at him and he smiled at her behaviour.

"Okay darling, you are right. Those are horrrrribleee." He said giving more stress on the word horrible and she smirked.

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