Chapter 6

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I looked at the clock and I could feel my eyes popping out. It was late and I knew my so called husband would kill me for getting late. I hurriedly looked at myself in the mirror for the last time.

I was wearing the gown he had given me but I was wearing it with a black coat that did not allow my skin to be seen. I had matched it with my black and red pearl hijab. My face did not had much makeup except for the red lipstick. I wore my heels and walked down to see him standing in the living room in a black blazer. 

My eyes were fixed on my heels waiting for his yelling.

"Finally! What took you...." I had my eyes closed waiting for him to continue his blah blah but there was a complete silence for almost a minute. I opened my eyes, my eyes still on the floor.

Thinking that he left I was about to look up when I heard him,

"What the hell are you wearing?" He questioned me while I looked at my dress.

"The dress that you gave me." I said shrugging my shoulders while he narrowed his eyes at me.

"But I never gave you that coat." He said taking a step forward.

"But I had and I wouldn't wear the gown how you gave me." I said and he did not say anything else regarding the dress.

"Whatever now let's go and do not act like my wife." He said pointing his finger at me

"Okay sir." I said mock saluting him.
He rolled his eyes at me and started walking while I was behind him trying to catch his pace.

"Get in the car." He said and we both settled in the car.

We reached the venue without getting into any arguments as I was busy looking outside while he was busy driving.

He got out of the car and started walking in the party venue leaving me alone.

I was shocked to see him leave me all and in the party where I did not know anyone. I walked inside the party trying to look at Saif. I was standing in the corner looking for him when the same guy from the Nikaah day came to me.

"Assalamualaikum Bhabhi." He greeted me while I smiled at him.

"Walaikumassalam." I greeted him relaxed to have someone besides me.

"Well I am Rehan I hadn't introduced myself that day." He said while I smiled at him.

"Where is Saif?" He asked me while I looked at him with a blank face.

"He left you alone?" He asked me while I nodded my head at him.

"Wait let me find that pervert." He said and walked away.

"Good evening everyone. I hope you'll are enjoying the party. I would like you all to get on the dance floor and have fun." I heard a man in his late 40's.  Sighing to myself I looked around the room but there were a lot of people.

I looked at the people dancing on the dance floor smiling to myself but the smile left my face when I saw Saif dancing with a girl. His hand was roaming on the bare back of the girl while his eyes were on me. He started giving the girl light kisses on her neck while his eyes never leaving mine. I looked away from him and asked the waiter to hand me a glass of water.

The waiter gave me a glass and I drank it but it had a taste. Bitter one. Keeping the glass aside I stood there looking at everyone except my so called husband.

My head had started getting heavy and I was about to leave when I felt a hand on my waist. I looked at the person to not recognise him.

"Who are you?" I asked trying to push him while he led me somewhere.

"You don't have to know who I am just enjoy." He said and started kissing me on my neck.

I tried my best to push him but he was stronger.

"Leave me." I said my head aching badly and I couldn't help but yell,


The guy slapped me and pulled my hijab off my head.

"Ahh.." I couldn't help but cry out of helplessness.

"Someone help." I yelled but all I could hear was the unknown man's evil laugh.

"Shout as much as you want. No one is here to save you." He said and started removing my coat while I struggled hard.

"Don't.. Please don't.. "I said almost on the verge of loosing my conscious when I heard a voice,


I looked at my right to see Saif standing at a distant. Hearing him the man left me and as I had no energy left within me I fell on the floor.

The man walked away without any more words, no fights nothing, probably knowing Saif, I sat there with my head aching and feeling like a dead body.

Saif took my hijab and wrapped it around my head while I sat there crying not able to form any words.

My coat was torn off and there were marks of the man's nails on my shoulders. Saif took his coat and wrapped it around me.

He made me stand on my feet but I couldn't stand. He took me in his arms while I struggled to cover myself in his arms. I didn't knew what would have happened if he wouldn't have come on time. I wouldn't have ever forgiven myself for letting an unknown take advantage of me. I had always saved myself for my husband. Even Saif's forcing did not make me feel impure but the man's touch had me a feeling of impure. It made me feel ashamed of myself. It made me feel disgusting.

"Safa." I was brought back to my senses by Saif. I looked at him and then turned my head to look where we were.

I found that we had reached our home. I started opening the door of car in a hurry while Saif got out and came to my side.

He opened the door and I tried to get up on my feet but lost balance.

"Don't worry. Everything's alright." He said and I couldn't help but cry out loud.

"I'm-I'm sorry." I said covering my face unable to look at him.

"Why are you sorry?" I heard him and I could feel him surprised.

"I shouldn't have had that water or whatever it was." I said feeling angry on myself.

"If I hadn't had that at least I could have fought him." I said crying while he sat on the floor besides me.

"It wasn't your fault Safa." He said and I looked up at him.

His eyes weren't the same. They were different and made me feel different. They did not belonged to the arrogant Saif but to a person I hadn't known.

He took me in his arms and started walking. I did not ask him to keep me down as I was drained. He opened the door and took me to his room. He left the room and came back after a few minutes holding my night suit. The whole time I was looking at him who did not look at me once. He changed my clothes and I did not restrict him.

He walked inside the washroom without saying anything while I was lying on the bed with my eyes closed. I heard the door open and close letting me know that he was out.

He got into the bed while I pretended to sleep. He took me in his arms and before sleeping he said very softly that if he wasn't near my ear I wouldn't have heard him,

"I'm sorry. "

The entire night I couldn't sleep thinking about the dreadful events. But one thing that did not make any sense to me was what was Saif sorry for?

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