Chapter 36

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovely readers!

How are you'll?

Taqabbal Allahu Minna Wa Minkum.

May Allah Accept It From You And Us.

May the choicest blessings of Allah fill your life with joy and prosperity.

May life bring you all sort of peace and satisfaction that it could offer.
May Allah always bestow glories, successes and happiness to you and your family.

May Allah bless you and your family with good health.

May Allah keep you all away from every kind of sins.

May Allah always guide us to the righteous path.

May Allah SWT give us the best in this Dunya and the hereafter.

So here is your eidi and what about my eidi?

I hope you'll enjoy the chapter:)

The sun rays entered the window making direct contact with Saif's sleeping face. He opened his eyes groaning looking at the time. It was 9 in the morning.

They had just slept after fajr!

He turned to his right to his wife sleeping peacefully, hugging him. He couldn't help but smile looking at her face. He kissed her forehead and she moved in her sleep but did not get up. He badly wanted to stare at her sleeping figure but he knew if he did that, that would bring a halt to his work and he did not wanted that in any case.

He moved a little closer to his wife and caressed her cheek.

"Good Morning darling." He whispered in his wife's ear and she shrugged, nuzzling into him.

"Good morning." She whispered yawning while rubbing her eyes.

"Come on get up we need to drop you home, otherwise mom will not spare me." He said caressing her cheeks and she looked up at him.

"This four days went quickly." She said pouting and he smiled at her.

"Just 2 days and then we'll be together always." He said kissing her pout and she grinned.

"I'll be married in two days." She said and he rolled his eyes at her.

"You are already married." He said and she glared at him.

"I was talking about some proper marriage." She said and he made an oh face.

"Now get up, we need to leave." He said pulling the duvet from the two and she groaned.

"We can go in the evening. Why so early in the morning?" She asked and he did not reply, while walking inside the washroom making her roll her eyes.

"GET UP." He yelled from inside and she sighed before getting up and lazily walking downstairs to the kitchen.

She tied her hair up in a bun and started preparing for breakfast. She heard footsteps downstairs. She looked up to see her husband walking down in casuals making her raise her eyebrow at him.

"What?" He asked looking at her face while wearing his watch.

"You are in casuals." She stated and he looked down at his clothes and then at her.

"So?" He asked and she walked to him.
"No work?" She asked him and he untied her hair and pulled her towards him through her waist.

"I have got lots of work, darling." He said kissing her forehead.

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