Chapter 9

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1 week later

I did not realise how time flew. Within this one week Safa was always besides me. She did everything without complaining about anything. She would help me with my clothes. She would help me bath. She would feed me and would always remind me of my medicines.

Due to her, I am now completely fine. The injury on my head is healed. The plaster on my hand is removed. And instead of being happy I don't know why but I feel sad knowing now Safa won't be around helping me.

"Ya Allah what is wrong with me?" I whispered to myself shaking my head but I was more surprised on myself.

"Did I just say Ya Allah?" I did not know what but I felt at peace.

"This girl is rubbing it off on me." I said shaking my head at myself. I looked at the time and realised that she might be praying.

I slowly and steadily walked towards her room. I opened the door, to see her with her hands held high. I looked at her face and I instantly thought of my mom. She would also pray until her health started deteriorating. Though Safa was fair there was some different kind of magic on her face. She had a light on her face that attracted me towards her.

I did not realise I was staring at her when she turned around and looked at me. She raised her eyebrow at me while I looked around everywhere except her.

"Ahem.. I was hungry, so thought of calling you." I said finding the only excuse.

"Oh, I'll be there." She said and after she had arranged the mat she walked out behind me. I could hear her footsteps behind me.

I suddenly halted, making her bang in me.

"Sorry." She mumbled while I turned around to look at her, who was looking like a tomato.

"Watch your steps." I said and walked away and I heard her mumble something in the lines of 'arrogant'.

Smiling to myself I went and sat on the chair, while she started serving the food. Before I could start eating, the door bell rang. I looked at her and she walked away to see who it was.

I stood up from my seat when she did not come back after 5 minutes. I saw Safa's sister standing there talking to her while Safa smiled at her.

"I was about to come a week ago but then I got to know about jeej. Btw how's he?" She asked Safa and before she could reply I coughed making them know about my presence.

"Oh jeej, Assalamualaikum how's you?" She asked me smiling at me.

"Walaikumassalam, I'm good Alhamdulillah. You?" I smiled at her and looked at Safa behind her who was looking at me with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging.

Did I just say that?

"Alhamdulillah I'm good. I hope di is taking good care of you." She said turning to Safa while she rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Are you here to trouble me?" Safa asked her while eyeing the bag in her hand.

"Of course! I missed troubling you so I'll be staying with you for some time." She said while I raised my eyebrow at Safa who was looking at her as if she had grown two heads.

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