Chapter 4

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Standing in front of the huge mansion that almost covered the half of the city,  Safa felt nothing but empty.  She knew this was it. She would be a living a hell of a life here. Everyone should love to enter this beautiful house but she just wanted to run but the precious trio standing besides her held her. She knew she was not doing this for herself but for them. She loved them lots to ever let them suffer.

I and my family now stood outside the Khan Mansion. The outside of the mansion left me mesmerised.

"Masha Allah What a beautiful mansion." I heard my sister saying from besides me.

"Let's get going it's almost 10." My dad said and I could feel my heart beating rapidly with sweat on my forehead.


With that I walked towards my death.

Dad rang the door bell while I stood behind the trio.

"Assalamualaikum." I was surprised to hear salaam from a young guy probably Saif's age with a smile on his face.

He looked very friendly and I Sighed in relief.

"At least someone here is a good person." I mumbled while entering the room.

"So you are my Bhabhi?" He questioned me while my parents sat in the living room.

"Unfortunately yes." I whispered but I knew he had heard it.

"Don't worry he isn't bad at heart." He said and before I could ask anything further I heard his deep voice.

"Safa I Need to talk to you." Everyone looked in his direction.

I looked at my father while he nodded his head. I slowly walked towards him. He lead me to a room closing it behind me. 

I gulped on finding me alone with him.

"I just want to make some things clear with you." He said while I stood there with my head hung low.

"You will be my wife just for the revenge and nothing more. Do not expect anything from me. Do not expect me to take you for any outing. Do not make it a scene if I flirt with any girl." He said while I looked at him and then at my feet.

"You have to cook for me, clean the entire house and have to come with me at my office at sharp 9 as my personal assistance and the household work should be complete before 9." He said while I looked at him shocked.

"Difficult it is?" He asked me with a smirk on his way.

"I'll manage." I said with a sweet yet not so innocent smile on my face.

"Good now you can sign this." He said throwing some papers on me.

"What is this?" I asked looking at the papers.

"What I told you it's the same thing but in written." He said and I nodded my head.

I took the pen and signed the papers and handed it back to him.

We were about to leave when he smirked at me and said,

"I forgot to tell you one thing." He said and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I get to bring any girl home too." He said while I looked at him with my mouth hanging.

"WHAT?"  I semi yelled while he smirked at me.

"What what? I have my needs too and you can bring any man too but you can ask me as well I will gladly accept your offer." He said winking at me while I looked at him with disgust.

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