Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to the person who has always supported me through my books. She never left me hanging ever. She always knows how to make my day.

JazakAllahu Khairan khair   for being a true friend. And I'm extremely very sorry for not being able to read your book but Insha Allah I will soon.❤
JazakAllahu Khairan khair for being my support.

And do check out her books, they are worth reading.



We reached home without speaking to each other. I was busy driving while he sat without any words.

"Let me open the door." He said taking the keys from me earning a glare from me.

"I can do that." I said and after opening the door he walked to his room without looking at me.

I walked inside the kitchen to get him to eat something. I entered his room without knocking when I found him struggling with his shirt.

"You could have called me." I said and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"I can help myself." He said harshly making me narrow my eyes at him.

"It's a matter of 1 week only. Can't you keep aside your ego and let me help you?" I questioned and he hissed in pain.

"Ya Allah I'm sorry. Is it hurting?" I asked him looking at his head while he looked at me.

"No." He replied and looked away from me.

I slowly took his shirt and kept it on the bed. I looked at him and then lowered myself to remove his other clothes.

"I'll manage." He said backing away while I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Keep quiet." I said and after helping him out of his clothes I walked inside the washroom to put on the tap.

"I'll wash your upper body." I said but he did not respond back.

I started washing his upper body and that's when my eyes again fell on the scar. They were deep and it wasn't just one but they were many below. I was controlling hard to not ask him.

"What are this scars on your body?" I questioned him and I could feel him freeze. He did not reply for a minute and I did not push him. I continued washing his body and after I was done I walked out. I looked at the breakfast and after arranging them I heard the tap off.

I took the towel and after wiping his chest and back I handed it to him to do the rest.

He wore his pants while I helped him with his shirt. He sat on the couch and struggled to have the breakfast with his left hand.

"Need help?" I asked him enjoying looking at his sulking face.

"No." He said and I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.

"Never gonna change." I mumbled and walked to him.

"What? Eat." I said when I saw him doing no efforts to eat. I fed him and I could feel his eyes on me from time to time.

"Good." I said after he had finished eating. I handed him his medicine and he took it reluctantly.

Taking the plate I left his room without uttering any other words. The rest one hour I was busy with the household chores.

Deciding to check on him, I made my way towards his bedroom. Walking inside I found him sleeping. Smiling to myself I walked towards him and pulled the duvet over him. I could see thin lines on his head.

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