Hoseok ♡ Soft Hours

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I saw a video on Instagram of Hoseok running his fingers through his hair and it was S O FLUFFY. Anyway I was like "Omg an imagine where you're cuddling Hobi and running your fingers through his hair."

The boys had just finished a concert. I got to watch them perform and they were incredible as always. I'm currently in the back of the van with Hoseok and the others headed back to the dorm.

Hoseok begged me to stay the night and of course I couldn't say no. He was leaned over in my shoulder with his right arm wrapped around my waist while his left arm was resting on my lap, his fingers intertwined with mine.

"Are you sleepy?" I asked softly.
He nodded his head.
I leaned over and kissed the top of his head. A small content smile spread across his lips. He started to lightly run his thumb over the top of my hand. I felt so comfortable that I almost dozed off, but we were back to the dorm before I could fully get to sleep.

I sat up still feeling the cloud of drowsiness hanging over me. Hoseok rubbed his eyes and stood up, his hand still clasped with mine as we made our way off the van.

We went up to the dorms and headed inside, Hoseok and I were both wide awake at this point.

"Is Y/n gonna stay the night?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes." Hoseok grinned hugging me tightly.

He pulled me down the hall into his room. He dug through his drawers and pulled out a pair of pajamas.

"Here, you can wear these. You always look cute in these pajamas." He blushed a little.

I thanked him and went to go change. When I came back he was shirtless wearing his Mang pajama pants. I don't get to see Hoseok shirtless too often but I always enjoy it when I do. He's got an amazing build and he hardly shows it off.

"Look at you!" He gushed snapping me from my thoughts. "You look so cute and tiny in those pajamas."
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to the bed. We got cozy and snuggled closer. Hoseok laid his head on my chest while I softly rubbed his back. He sighed contently and pressed a kiss to my cheek. My hand went from his back to his hair. I ran my fingers through it watching how it messily fell back into place. His hair is so incredibly fluffy, I could run my fingers through it forever.

"I love you." He sighed.
"I love you too Hobi."
"Thank you for coming to watch us perform tonight."
"Thank you for inviting me."
"I always get so nervous when you come to our shows. I want to do my best and impress you."
"Hobi you always do your best and you always impress me."
He laughed softly.
"Yes. You're so talented. I've never seen anyone dance like you."
He laughed and cuddled closer to me. We laid still and I continued to play with Hoseok's hair until he let out a yawn.
"I'm starting to get sleepy again." He said.
"Me too."
"Let's go to sleep then."

He reached over and turned off the lamp before laying back on top of me. I pressed a kiss to the top of his head and got comfortable.

"Goodnight baby."
"Goodnight sunshine."

QOTD: Favorite thing about Hoseok?

AOTD: This might be crazy but I love the little mole on his top lip. Every time he posts a selfie I close up to see if I can see it or not. It's like the cutest. I also love his hyper attitude, his aegyo AND HIS CUTE SOUND EFFECTS O M G BIG UWU
I also think it's adorable that he always uses the 🥺 emoji in most of his tweets like wow that's sO soft

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