Vmin ♡ Heat Miser & Snow Miser | Part 3

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Okay, I'm not for the whole poly relationship thing which is why I ended part 2 with "Who says I can't choose both?" it's not certain that you date both of them or not. I really wanted to leave it off with part 2 but a couple of you wanted part 3 and I want to please everyone, so here it is

After the party, Taehyung and Jimin offered to drive me home. They had their own driver which didn't really surprise me. They both look filthy rich. Naturally, they argued who I'd sit with and I had to settle it my sitting in between the two of them. Just before I could get out of the car they stopped me, asking if we could exchange numbers before I go. I agreed.

The next day I saw a bunch of text notifications from the two, both texting me separately.

Unknown: Hey princess it's Taehyung.

Unknown: Sweetheart it's me, Jimin

I put both their contacts in my phone and started reading the rest of the messages.

Taehyung: Good morning. Hope you slept well.
Taehyung: Thank you for hanging out last night

Jimin: Morning angel. I hope you had sweet dreams last night. I dreamt of you ❤️

I let out a deep breath.
What am I gonna do?

I texted both of them back letting them know I rested well and thanked them for checking up on me. I immediately got a text back from Jimin.

Jimin: Taehyung and I got to talking, and you can't just choose both of us. We want you to pick one.

Pick one?

A separate text from Taehyung popped up.

Taehyung: Y/n, I know last night you said you pick both of us but we want you to only pick one. I know you probably need time to think it over. It's okay if you don't choose me. We can still be friends :)

I bite my lip, thinking it over. My mind says I don't know who to choose, but my heart knows who I want.

Okay now you choose who you want. I wrote a small part for each of them. There will be a little time skip and each part will take place at their apartments.

Pick Jimin
Jimin and I were laid up on his bed cuddled up just enjoying each other's company. He pulled me close to chest, pressing a kiss to my temple.
"My sweet Y/n." He hummed. "I'm so glad you chose me."
"It was an easy decision. When you and I danced together and started acting silly I realized that you're not who I thought you were. I felt like I got to see the real you."
Jimin beamed, his eyes crinkling up while small giggles escaped his lips.
"I like to goof off every once in a while. Life is meaningless if you can't have a little fun."
"I think you're right." I said kissing his cheek.
"Ah. No no."
"Not a kiss on the cheek." He grinned, biting his bottom lip.
"You flirt." I poked his side making him flinch.
"You gonna give me that kiss or no?" He asked with a pout.
"I guess so." I sighed, rolling my eyes playfully.
I placed my hands on both his cheeks before locking my lips with his. I kissed him softly and  planned for it to be a short kiss, until he stopped me, that is. He brought his hand to the back of my head, forcing my lips against his. He entangled his fingers in my hair, while his other hand rested on my waist. It's hard to just kiss Jimin for a few seconds. I began to feel that all too familiar chill creeping up on me.

"Jimin." I mumbled against his lips.
"Mmm?" He hummed.
"I'm cold."
He pulled away just enough to speak.
"Sorry." He said shyly. "You know it's hard to control myself sometimes."
"I know." I nod, running my fingers through his hair.
"I'll pay more attention." He purred. "I promise."

Pick Taehyung
"Come here angel. Sit next to me." Taehyung gently patted the spot next to him.
I walked over, sitting right beside him.
"You look so beautiful." He smiled, glancing at my clothes.
I wore a pair of sweatpants and one of his many oversized shirts which I learned he absolutely adores. I've learned a lot about him. I thought he was some rich, flirty guy but he's not. He's cute, he loves art, large shirts and pants, hot chocolate, and music. He's much more than I thought he was.
"You look so cute wearing my clothes." He gushed, truing to hold back a smile.
"I could wear them all the time. I'm sooo comfortable."
"You can wear whatever clothes of mine you want whenever you want. You look so cute." He hugged my tightly peppering kisses all over my cheek.
While he continued his kissing assault, I turned towards him making sure the next kiss was on my lips. Taehyung chuckled lightly as he started moving his lips against mine.
"That was sneaky Y/n." He whispered lowly before going back in to attack my lips.
I grinned triumphantly, smiling into the kiss. Taehyung gently started to pull me towards him, guiding me to sit on his lap, straddling his slim waist. My hands moved up to run through his soft and fluffy hair while his hands held my waist firmly. After a while, Taehyung's hands started to feel rather hot on my hips.
"Tae." I muttered, pulling away slightly. "Your hands."
"Oh." He quickly pulled them away. "Sorry angel. I was so distracted, I got a little carried away. My powers have a mind of their own sometimes."
"Don't worry about it." I said, cupping his cheek. "I think it's kinda hot."
Taehyung raised a brow, a small smirk playing at his lips.
"Now, where were we?"

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