Jimin ♡ Cupid

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I sighed as I watched couples pass by. It's Valentines Day and I'm sitting here on a bench alone, wallowing in my aloneness and cringing at the couples around me.

I hate Valentines Day.

"Why the long face, angel?" A voice asked.
I looked over seeing an unfamiliar man sitting next to me. I wasn't sure when or how he even got there. He's rather handsome. Much too handsome to be sitting next to me.
He had light pink hair and full lips. Multiple earrings dangled from his ears sparkling as the caught the light. He wore a long sleeved white shirt with flowing sleeves and small rhinestones on it. The shirt had three or four buttons undone exposing a good bit of his chest. He had these shiny leather pants on and sleek black boots.
"I'm guessing you're not a fan of Valentines Day." He said.
"Not really."
"Hm. Pity."
"It's a wonderful holiday. A day to celebrate love and show affection to the one you love." He smiled.
"Yeah well some of us don't have that."
"Ah. It makes sense now why you don't like Valentines Day."
"Who are you anyway?" I asked, realizing I'm talking to a complete stranger.
"Oh I'm so sorry. I'm Jimin." He grinned cheekily.
There's something about this Jimin guy that's a little different but I can't quite put my finger on it.
"Aren't you gonna tell me your name, beautiful?" He asked.
"Um." I was caught off guard by him calling me that. "I'm Y/n."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Y/n. Now tell me, would you like to find someone to spend your Valentines Day with?"
"It would be nice. Why are you asking?"
"Because sweetheart, I'm Cupid."
"What?" I asked.
He held his hand out, a small bow appearing. I saw a quiver strapped across his chest. He reached behind him and pulled an arrow out.
"Pick your guy." He grinned.

I was speechless. The Cupid is sitting right next to me and is telling me to pick any guy I want and make him fall for me.

"That's very kind of you, but I don't want a guy to forcibly fall in love with me. I want it to be natural." I said. "So, I'm gonna have to politely decline. Sorry."
Jimin's shiny puppy dog eyes widened.
"I've never heard anyone say that before."
His bow and arrow disappeared.
"Well, my job here is done I suppose." He started to stand up.
"Wait!" I stopped him, not wanting him to leave. I was starting to enjoy his company. "Could you stay?"
"You want me to stay?" He asked.
"Well, alright then." He sat back down beside me, a perplexed look on his face.
"Why do you look so confused?"
"Because no one ever asks me to stay. I give them what they want and I leave."
"That's... sad."
"I'm used to it. It's my job to make people fall in love, not to be their friend."
"Well, you can be my friend." I said.
"Huh?" A small blush crept onto his cheeks. "Really?"
I nod.
A bright smile took over his face, his eyes crinkling up, making small crescent shapes.
"So Jimin, what do you do when it's not Valentines Day?"
"Hang our at home." He shrugged.
"Oh! Where do you live?"
"Here in Seoul."
"You don't live up in the clouds or something?" I asked, surprised by his answer.
"No." He burst out laughing. "That's ridiculous."
"Hey don't laugh! How was I supposed to know?" I playfully shove him.
"You're right." He said trying to calm down his laughter. "Sorry."
I let him calm down before I spoke up.
"So you're pretty much a regular person every day except Valentines Day?"
"Sort of. I can still make people fall in love, but I don't have to if I don't want to. Valentines is the main day I work."
All this information is very interesting.
"So, what were your plans for today?" Jimin asked.
"Nothing really. I was gonna take myself out to dinner, and by that I mean I was gonna get takeout and eat at home."
Jimin chuckled at my response. "Why not treat yourself and go out to a nice place?" He questioned.
"And sit alone amongst all the couples? No thanks."
"You know, if you needed someone to accompany you... I'm free."
"You're offering to go out to dinner with me?"
"Of course. If you don't mind, that is."
"I..." My voice trailed off.

This extremely handsome man who just so happens to be Cupid wants to go out to dinner with me?

"Don't you have couples to make?" I asked.
"No. There's more than one Cupid you know."
"I don't."
"It's not just me. I could never make so many people fall in love by myself. It takes a whole team."
"Okay but won't you get in trouble for taking the night off?"
"Nah." He shrugged. "I've never done this before so I think I deserve a night off."
"Well... in that case I'd love to have you accompany me." I smiled softly.
"Perfect! Where to?"
"I'm not sure."
"Hey I know. There's a wonderful restaurant in town that serves only the best food. I've never been there before but I've heard a lot about it."
"Is it expensive?"
"I think so. It's really hard to get in, too."
"I don't want to go somewhere too fancy. Especially a place I can't afford."
"Don't worry about it." He beamed. "I got it covered."
"It's fine. Don't worry about it." He ruffled my hair lightly. "What time should we go there?"
"I don't know." I pulled my phone out checking the time. "Well, it's 5:00 right now. How about 7:00? That way we both have time to get ready."
"Well, if we're meeting at 7:00 that means you've got a couple hours to get home and get yourself dolled up. Why don't I go ahead and walk you home?"
"Y-Yeah. Sure."
He's smooth.
We both stood up from the bench and left the park.
"You sure know how to make a girl swoon." I chuckled.
"Well... I am Cupid after all." He winked.
"Right." I nod, turning my head away to hide the blush on my cheeks.
"I know you're blushing."
"I'm not. It's just... cold."
"Right." He laughed.
"Anyway, why did you offer to go to dinner with me?" I asked, changing the subject.
"I couldn't just let you spend Valentines Day alone, could I?" He asked.
"I guess not."

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