Jimin ♡ Pirate

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This is an AU that takes place in the past, so the clothes I describe are not modern.

My eyes caught sight of a small fisherman's boat, tied to the dock.


I run up to the broad shouldered fisherman who was busy untangling nets.

"Excuse me." I call, walking towards him.
He looks up at me, dropping the fishing nets.
"Can I help you?"
"I was wondering if you could give me a ride to Saint Caro. It's the next island over."
"Ah." The man reached up, stroking his short, dark facial hair. "Sorry but this is not a boat for passengers. Fisherman only."
"Please. I'm on business."
"What kind of business?" He questioned.
"It's urgent."
"Sorry Miss. I can't."
As he's apologizing I notice a door on the small boat open and a head of dark hair sticking out, two round doe eyes staring at me.
The fisherman sees my gaze focused behind him and turns around.
"Hey! Get back in there! What have I told you?" He yells. The younger, dark haired male in the boat jumps, visibly shaken as his hyung scolds him. The man is speaking so fast, hardly taking a breath between his words. I can barely understand him. He's so caught up in yelling at this poor boy that he doesn't notice my presence anymore. I take it as a cue to leave.
I awkwardly sidestep away from them, letting out a sigh as I walk along the dock.

Now what am I gonna do?

"Hey!" A voice shouts.
I look up where I heard the voice. A man standing up on a ship swings down from a rope, landing on the dock directly in front of me, his black hair tousled by the wind. "I heard you might need a ride sweetheart."
"No thanks." I brush him off, taking a step forward.
"Where you headed?" He asked, walking with me.
"Saint Caro, right?" He asked.
I let out a sigh, turning towards him. "So what if I am?"
"I could give you a ride."
"Thanks but no thanks. I'll pass."
"You sure? There won't be another ship passing here for at least three weeks. By that time, you could already be in Saint Caro."
I look at him, annoyed at his persistence.
"Fine." I give in. "But don't try anything."
"Can't make any promises." He winks. "Follow me."

I sigh, reluctantly following him onto the ship.

"By the way, what's your name?"
"What a beautiful name."
I roll my eyes.
"I'm Captain Min." He puts emphasis on the captain part.

He walks to the middle of the deck, spreading his arms out, showing off his mediocre sea vessel.

"Welcome aboard." He grinned cheekily. "This'll be your home for the next week and a half."
"Thanks, I guess." I mutter.
"Fellas, this is Y/n. We're going to be taking her to Saint Caro."
His crew greet me warmly.
"This one right here." He points to a blonde with stunning facial features. "This is my best mate, Wooyoung. If you need anything and I'm not around, he's got you."
"Nice to meet you." I greet him.
"Likewise." He shoots me a friendly grin that gives me butterflies. "Let me get your bag and take it to your quarters."
"That's awfully kind of you. I appreciate it." I thank Wooyoung as I hand him the only bag I have with me.

(What I would give to see Jimin and Wooyoung interact WHEW)

We set sail later that afternoon. His crew is small, but they seem nice enough. Actually they're very nice. Nice to look at that is. Wooyoung isn't the only man on this ship that's easy on the eyes. There's seven other men I find myself staring at.

(Yes it's the rest of ATEEZ. Don't be surprised. You should have expected I put them in a pirate imagine)

I watch one in particular. He's tall and has peachy colored hair. His soft features remind me of a puppy. My eyes drift over to another one who looks cute, but intimidating. He's slim, but well built, and his jawline looks like it could cut you just by looking at it.
Maybe coming on this ship wasn't a bad idea after all.
I finally tear my eyes away from the gorgeous men and turn my attention to the ocean. I rest my arms on the wooden handrail of the ship, staring out at the endless horizon.

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