Jin ♡ Shy Jin & Vampire Reader

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When I asked for Jin imagines I got a couple suggestions and I didn't wanna just use one, so this imagine idea is from my fren TaesWolfie Thank you 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 she also has an imagines book. If you're interested I highly recommend!! She's a good writer 🥺💞

I stepped into my apartment building, loading the elevator and heading to my designated floor. I watched the numbers go up until they stopped on 4 and the doors open. A sweet smell greeting me as I stepped out into the hallway.


I glance down the corridor and see him standing outside his apartment fiddling with his keys. Jin is my neighbor who lives a couple doors down from me. He's really sweet and extremely shy.

"Hi Jin." I smile brightly.
"Hi Y/n." He glances at me quickly before focusing his attention back to the lock on his door.
"Your hair looks really nice." I compliment him.
"Oh. Thanks. I haven't really done anything to it."
I stood there awkwardly, my foot tapping against the carpet nervously. I open my mouth to say something, but he seems to be distracted.

He turns and grinned sheepishly at me with a small wave and smile that seemed to say more than I imagined he ever would. As I turned my back to go into my apartment, I heard him speak to himself under his breath, trying to hide his frustration with his keys. He must have forgotten I was there. Honestly, it made me smile, but he would never know that. Our doors opened at the same time with a synchrony that seemed perfect; I couldn't help but feel a pain in my chest though. As I closed the door, I just leaned my head lightly against it with a slight, somber smile while I replayed the countless scenarios in my head where he said something. Anything. 'Maybe he thinks I'm stupid and awkward.' I thought to myself.

(A guy friend of mine actually wrote that part for me 🥺 I'll explain more in the author's note)

He just won't open up to me. My heart aches as I think about how little progress I've made with Jin. We've spent time together before, but he's just so shy and doubtful of himself. Jin is my mate and knowing that he just doesn't seem to want to be loved makes my chest hurt. He's very closed off and I can tell he's not confident in himself. I can smell it on him and I hate it. I want to change that.
I lift my head up off the door, a feeling of motivation rising in my chest. I open my apartment door and walk over to Jin's. Standing bravely in front of his door I reach my hand up and knock. I wait patiently, the nerves setting in. When the door opens Jin is surprised to see me.

"Hi Jin." I say.
"Hi Y/n. Did you need something?"
"Um." Suddenly my brain stops working and I'm too nervous to speak.
Jin stands there, raising a brow expecting me to say something.
"Yes actually." I speak up. "I wanted to know if you'd like to go out on a date with me."
His eyes widen and I can see he's caught off guard.
"A date? With me?" He asked.
"Yes." I look at him with hopeful eyes, fiddling with my fingers.
"Because..." I trail off. "Why else would I ask you on a date?"
"I don't know." He shrugged. "To mess with me."
"What? Why would I do that?"
He looked down at his feet.
"I'm asking you on a date because... I like you and I want to get to know you better."
"You like me?" He asked.
"Hm. Where would we go?"
"I don't know. Wherever you want. It doesn't matter."
"Are you sure you wanna go on a date with me though?" He asked.
"Yes. I'm 100% sure!" I say a little too enthusiastically.
"Well... I do enjoy the park."
"Okay! How about tomorrow around 5:00?" I ask.
"That sounds good." He gave me a shy smile, only looking into my eyes for a second.
"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled brightly, feeling much happier than before.
"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow Y/n."
I walked back to my apartment, hearing Jin's door closing quietly. I close my door right after him, letting out a sigh of relief, a smile spreading across my lips. I did it. I'm going on a date with Jin. This is a step in the right direction.

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