Namjoon ♡ Fairy

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Dedicated to Claudy1425 because Namjoon is her bias and when I was writing this she was super hyped to see how it turned out when I finished 🥺💗

I watched as someone walked through the door in the bookstore. I gave them a small smile and watched as they disappeared down one of the rows of books.

I work at this little bookstore every day of the week, except on weekends. It's a pretty laid back job, and the pay is fair. An elderly lady who lives down the hall from me owns this store and asked if I would be willing to work here since she's getting to where she can't run the store by herself. Of course I agreed. She's really sweet and I'd do anything to help someone out.

I leaned back in my chair and scrolled through my phone. After quickly losing interest in Twitter I locked my phone and took a look around the store. I stood up and decided to stretch my legs. I walked around glancing at everyone who was in the store. I noticed a familiar face sitting at a table in the back. I smiled softly.

This guy is always here. He stays here from the time we open to the time we close, just reading.

"That's a book I never see anyone reading." I pointed out.
He looked up from the book, surprised by my presence.
"Really?" He asked. "It's a great book, I wonder why no one reads it."
"People usually go for the newer books. I guess you can say they're judging a book by its cover."
"Exactly." He smiled. "Well they're missing out, some of the best books are the ones with the least interesting covers."
"I'm gonna have to agree with you on that one." I smiled. "Well, I'll let you get back to reading. Sorry to bother you."
"No it's fine. I enjoyed chatting."
I gave him a small smile and headed back to the front desk.

I don't know that guy's name but he's really nice and really cute. I know he's been coming here for a long time because when I first started working here he asked me where Mrs. Choi was.


I walked around the store straightening up the chairs and organizing misplaced books. Today is my first day working here and there's not many customers so I started tidying up just to keep me busy.
There was a stack of books on a table in the back of the store. I walked over and grabbed the stack before I started walking off.

"Excuse me."

I stopped and turned around seeing a guy standing in front of me.

"Yes can I help you?" I asked.
"Those are my books."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought someone left them there, I was just cleaning up."

I set the books back down on the table.

"Do you work here?" He asked.
"Yes I do. It's my first day."
"Where's Mrs. Choi?"
"Oh, she lives in my apartment building and asked if I could work here. She's having trouble running the place all by herself so she asked if I could work Monday through Friday."
"Oh. Is she okay?"
"Yeah she's fine. She's just getting old and isn't able to work all the time."
"Ah I understand. Thank you."
"Sure, if you need anything I'll be up at the front desk."
He nodded and sat down at the table grabbing one of the books.
I looked at him for a moment before walking off.

End of flashback

It's been three months and I'd like to think he's warmed up to me now. I could he wasn't too fond of me at first, but now we chat every once in a while when I'm walking around the store.

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