Jungkook ♡ Crack Soulmate AU

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This isn't really a crack imagine. It's mostly serious. But there's a little crack if you squint.

When you and your soulmate are near each other, a tattoo will appear on your wrist. This tattoo will be the first word or words your fated mate will say. It could be a simple greeting or maybe something cute like a compliment. You won't ever know until the day you and your soulmate are within 50 feet of each other.

"Yeet?!" I shriek, looking down at my left wrist.
"What?" Mingi laughs, almost spitting out his smoothie. He leans over to get a look at my newly appeared tattoo.
"This is a joke." I say.
Mingi rubs his fingers across my wrist.
"Sorry to break it to you, bud. That tattoo is real."
"Are you kidding me?" I groan. "All these years I've been looking forward to getting my soulmate tattoo, wondering what sweet words would appear on my wrist and all I get is yeet?"
"I'm afraid so." Mingi says through laughter.
"I hate it here." I whine, dropping my head on the table in the college student center.
"Hey! Don't be so upset. That means your soulmate is within 50 feet!"
"If the first word he says when we meet is yeet I don't think I want to meet him."

3rd Person POV
"Jerk face?!" Jungkook exclaims as him and his friend Jimin make their way across the quad.
"What?" Jimin asks.
"My soulmate tattoo." Jungkook shoves his wrist into his friend's face.
Jimin bursts into a fit of laugher. "So you're gonna piss off your soulmate." He laughs harder, holding his stomach as his eyes squinted into little crescent shapes. "That's gold." He wheezes.
"It's not funny Jimin!" Jungkook shoves his friend lightly causing him to nearly lose his balance since he was so busy laughing.
"It's hilarious! You probably imagined something cute, huh?"
"Sucks for you." Jimin snorted.
"I wanna know who this girl is." Jungkook huffed, looking around at the people loitering on the campus.
"She's at least fifty feet away. None of these girls are her."
"I know that." Jungkook stated. "I was just curious."
The two walked along the concrete pathway towards their destination, Jungkook staring at his new tattoo.
"I can't believe I have to walk around with this on my wrist."
"Imagine what she has on her wrist. There's no telling what dumb thing you'll say to her."

Your POV
"This just sucks." I look down at my wrist at the permanently tattooed words.
"It's not that bad." Mingi states.
"It is that bad."
"It'll go away after you meet him. It's no big deal." He shrugged.
"Yeah, but who knows how long it'll be until I meet him?" I sighed, discouragingly.
"He has to be somewhere on campus." Mingi said.
I furrow my brows, taking in his words.
"That would make a lot of sense." I nod slowly.
"Mystery solved." Mingi leaned back in his chair.
"I'm gonna find him!" I announce enthusiastically.
"Y/n, class starts in five minutes." Mingi pointed out.
"I mean after class."
"This campus is huge. You're not gonna find him, not today anyway."
"You don't know that." I argue. "People have found their soulmate the same day their tattoo appears."
"That's extremely rare."
"Maybe this is one of those times." I mutter, opening my notebook.

The fifteen minutes I had between classes was spent looking for my mystery soulmate. I didn't give up though. I spend days, weeks, and months looking for him. I could have passed him multiple times and not known it. I didn't have a way to identify him. I know know what he looks like or what his tattoo says.

"Still no luck?" Mingi asked taking a sip of his coffee.
"No." I sigh. "I'm ready to just give up."
"Don't give up. Just wait. You'll meet him eventually."
"That's giving up." I state.
"No it's not. It's called being patient and you need to try it."
"Alright." I murmur.

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