Yoongi ♡ Christmas

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Coincidentally enough a few days after I wrote this Naver x Dispatch dropped Christmas pics of BTS and Yoongi is in a festive sweater which is what I wrote in the imagine so here you go

I rush around trying to finish getting ready. My friend Taehyung is having a Christmas party and it starts in thirty minutes. I wanted to look nice because Yoongi is gonna be there, and by nice I mean a brightly colored red and green Christmas sweater with black leggings and vans. I didn't want to show up at a Christmas party dressed in the nicest clothes I own, which aren't festive at all. Even if I did, it's not like Yoongi would notice if I dressed nice for him, but whatever.
I grab my keys and head out with twenty minutes to spare.

Thankfully I arrive at Taehyung's place just in time. I walk up to the front door and straighten my sweater before knocking.

"That might be Y/n!" Taehyung shouts, his voice muffled.

The door swings open revealing a chipper-looking Taehyung. He's decked out in a Christmas sweater and Santa hat, a big, boxy grin on his face.

"I wasn't sure if you would show up."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I lost track of time."
"It's fine. You're here now that's all all matters. Come on in!" He grabbed my arm, pulling me inside.
Christmas music played softly and the smell of freshly baked cookies and peppermint lingered in the air. Taehyung pulled me into the living room where everyone seemed to be hanging out. I quickly spotted Yoongi sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone. He glanced up and saw me, his face lighting up. He quickly discarded his phone, leaving is abandoned on the coffee table. He grinned widely, showing off his little teeth and waved at me. I smiled and approached him.

"I saved a seat for you." He said gesturing to the empty spot next to him on the couch.
I took a seat, noticing his cute, festive sweater with a holiday pattern on it. He looked so adorable, it was hard for me hide my emotions.

"Your sweater is cute." I blurted.
"Oh." His cheeks immediately tinted pink. "Thank you. It's the most festive sweater I own."
"Well, I like it a lot. It fits you."
"You think so?"
"Mhm." I nod.
"I like yours too, it's really cute."
"Oh? Thanks."
"Um... " He trailed off, looking a little nervous. "it's a little big and it makes you look really cuddly and you have cute sweater paws." He spoke shyly.
My face was on fire and I'm sure Yoongi could see it even through my makeup.
"You think I look cute?" I asked.
Stupid! That's not what he said. He said I look cuddly and the sweater paws are cute. Not me.
"Yeah." He nodded.
Did I hear him right? He thinks I'm cute? Can a guy call a girl cute and not like them? Seems a little unlikely. Usually, if a guy says you're cute it means they like you. Does Yoongi like me? Probably not. I'm overanalyzing. He doesn't even really act like he likes me anyway. Then again, he's acting diff-

I jump a little, turning to Yoongi.
"Are you okay? You zoned out there for a second."
"Yeah!" I say with a little more enthusiasm than I wanted.
"Okay. You wanna go get some snacks or something to drink?"

We stand up and head to the kitchen where there's a large spread of desserts and finger foods. Now that I'm here, I realize I haven't eaten much today and I'm starving. I grab a paper plate with Santa on it and grab a couple small sandwiches and chips. Yoongi reaches across the table and grabs one of the Christmas cookies before taking a big bite out of it.

"You want something to drink?" He asked.
"Yes please."
"Hot chocolate or soda?"
"Hot chocolate."

Yoongi walked over to the drink area and started fixing us drinks. He was kind enough to carry both our drinks back to the living room for me, setting them on the coffee table.
We returned to our seats and I immediately started snacking on one of the small sandwiches. Yoongi and I were both eating so we weren't really able to talk. In the meantime, I watched Jin throw pieces of popcorn into Jungkook's mouth from across the room. It was honestly pretty entertaining.
I was just finishing up the last bit of my second sandwich when Yoongi reached over and snatched a chip off my plate. I glared at him as he ate the chip, looking me straight in the eye as he did so. Not a trace of remorse on his face. I saw him start to reach for another one before I pulled my plate away. Yoongi frowned.
He looked so cute I couldn't possibly be mad. I moved my plate closer to him causing a smile to take over his face as he took another chip. I decided to just go ahead and share my chips with him.
The plate got empty rather quickly with both Yoongi and I munching on chips. Our hot chocolate was gone and we were both laid back on the couch watching Taehyung and and Hoseok dance around like buffoons. I let out a small chuckle at their antics.

"Well." I sat up. "I'm gonna take this stuff to the kitchen." I said reaching for my empty plate and mug. "You want me to take yours?"
"No it's fine. I got it." Yoongi said.
"I don't mind."
"Okay sure."

I grabbed Yoongi's mug and took everything back to the kitchen. I tossed the paper plate in the trash and rinsed the mugs out in the sink. I left the kitchen and headed down the hallway to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and washed my hands before checking my hair and makeup. Worried that Yoongi would be wondering where I was, I headed back towards the living room. I was about to turn a corner when I bumped into Yoongi at the end of the hallway. His arms immediately wrapped around me, keeping me from falling.

"There you are." He said. "I was looking for you."
"I just went to the bathroom."
I noticed Yoongi staring up. I followed his gaze, freezing when I saw a mistletoe hanging from the ceiling.
"Oh." The word slipped out without me thinking.
I looked back at Yoongi, my heart pounding against my chest.
"Well, you know what they say about mistletoe." Yoongi said in a low voice, his eyes quite obviously driving to my lips.
"Mhm." I hummed.
"Should we?" Yoongi asked, a light blush creeping into his cheeks.
"Mhm." I nodded, not knowing if I'd be able to form words.

Yoongi didn't hesitate to kiss me. His soft lips delicately pressed against mine. I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck. Yoongi kissed me gently, but with so much passion, like he'd been waiting to do it for a long time. Just when I was staring to get into it, he pulled away.

"I've been wanting to do that." Yoongi spoke shyly, his cheeks tinted pink.
"Me too. I've only ever imagined kissing you."
"You've imagined kissing me?" He asked, his cheeks getting redder.
"Uh." Now I could feel my cheeks reddening. "That slipped out."
"It's alright." He looked down, realizing that he still had his arms wrapped around me. He started to let go, but I stopped him.
"No. Can we please stay like this?" I asked.
A soft smile spread across his lips.
"Of course."
He pulled me closer as we swayed to a random Christmas song playing from the speakers in living room.
"Merry Christmas Yoongi." I hummed.
"Merry Christmas Y/n."

Anyway Merry Christmas!!! I hope you all got what you asked for and that you get to spend time with your friends and family!

BTS Imagines 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें