Jimin ♡ Merman AU [request]

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Fanart is from beefdraws on Tumblr
I found this story idea in a list of merman/mermaid au prompts on Tumblr from

This is a series requested by @Chimmychimchum <3

She changed her username so I wanted to go ahead and add the accurate username haha

"Sorry Y/n, but I love Adina."
"So you're just gonna leave me just like that?"
"Yes. I'm sorry but Adina is the one who I feel I'm meant to be with."
"No! What about me? What about what we had?" I asked.
"I don't have those feelings for you anymore. I'm sorry."

I screamed as I was pushed into the water. My now ex-boyfriend and his new stupid girlfriend watching, no emotion on their faces.

As soon as I was submerged, a swirl of bubbles surrounded me and a tingling feeling spread from my waist to my feet. I started thrashing my arms around and tried kicking my legs but something felt off. I looked down and saw my legs were replaced with a tail. I let out a gasp and covered my mouth. My eyes widened when I realized I was breathing underwater.


I swam up to the surface but they were both gone. I began to panic. I'm stuck like this, a mermaid. I can't talk to a person because I have a freaking tail and I don't know any merfolk. So what do I do?
I can feel tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of what my life will become and what I'm being forced to leave behind. I shouldn't have gone to that stupid restaurant, then I wouldn't have met that stupid waiter and I wouldn't be in this stupid situation. I shouldn't have even moved to this town in the first place. I wipe my eyes and let out a shaky breath before diving into the ocean swimming in no particular direction.

It's so awkward. Having a tail feels to unnatural and I can't seem to get the hang of using it. I realize when I was pushed in the water I was wearing clothes. I look down and see that I have an embellished bra on that looks stunning.

How did that just appear on me? Is that part of the transformation process? I get a fancy bra?

A fish swims by, brushing against my arm causing me to let out a small shriek. I let out a heavy sigh and continue swimming. I don't know where I'm going but I guess I should just keep going until I find... something.
Arena or whatever her name is must have had a place where she lived since she is... was a mermaid. I scoffed.

He left me for a fish.

He really made me sacrifice my legs for a stupid fish. Some girl he met two weeks ago and suddenly he's in love?

"You have to become a mermaid in order for her to be able to be human and stay with me He said.

I rolled my eyes thinking back on the events that happened a few minutes ago.
It's not my fault if she ends up breaking his heart and leaving him.


I'd been swimming for what seemed like forever. I was starting to lose hope. I'm gonna be alone in the ocean for the rest of my life. I'm lost. I don't know where to go. I have no one to talk to, nowhere to stay. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"Excuse me."

I jump and turn around, locking eyes with the most handsome man I've ever seen.

"Are you lost?" He asked.

His voice is light and soothing.

I nod, unable to form words.

"I can help you. My name is Jimin, what's yours?"
"Nice to meet you." He smiled showing off the whitest teeth I've ever seen. "Follow me."

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