Taehyung ♡ Guardian Angel

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Taehyung's POV
"Are you ready for your first day on the job?" Hoseok asked.
"Yes! 100%! I've trained years for this and I'm confident I'll do a great job." I beamed.
"Alright." Hoseok flipped through a file folder, his eyes scanning the page. "Your client is gonna be a girl named Y/n. Everything you need to know about her is in this folder."
He handed the light brown file folder to me. I glanced down at it, my fingers tracing over her name.
"Y/n L/n, I'm gonna be the best guardian angel ever." I whispered.

*Present day*

I've been watching over Y/n from Heaven, making sure she's doing okay. I'm at my desk, updating some information on her when Hoseok walks up.

"Good news." He grins.
My ears perk up hearing him say that.
"What kind of good news?" I ask.
"You get to meet Y/n."
"What?!" I jump up from my desk.
"The big boss is letting all of the guardian angels meet their clients today."
"Really? Are you playing a prank on me?"
"Nope. I'm serious."

Your POV
I stepped outside on my back porch to spritz my succulents. I walked over to the three tiny flower pots lining the wide, wooden railing of my porch and lightly sprayed them with water.

"There you go." I smiled contently.

I furrowed my brows as I heard a faint noise. Looking around, I tried to figure out where it was coming from. It almost sounded like screaming?
I stepped off the porch and onto the grass, the yelling getting louder and sounding like it was above me. I look up at the sky, squinting. My eyes winded when I noticed a small dot getting closer and closer. Someone is falling!

Oh my gosh. What do I do?
I can't do anything!

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" The yelling progressively gets louder until the person lands on the ground with a loud thud.
I step away, seeing a large pair of white wings on his back.
"Ugghhhhh." He groans, standing to his feet and dusting his white pants off. "I'm not very good at landing. Haha." He giggles.
"Uh...." I'm in utter shock. I can't believe my eyes. "Couldn't you have just used your wings?"
"Hm. I didn't think about that. That would have been much easier on me." He chuckled. "I'll do that next time."
I take in the strange man standing in front of me. He's got a very boyish charm to him. His cheeks look so round and soft, almost like bread. His eyes are big and sparkly, like he's got an entire galaxy in his eyes. He had on a white button down shirt with ruffles on the front, the first few buttons being left undone, showing off his tanned chest and stunning collarbones. The sleeves on the shirt were large and flowed gracefully as he walked towards me.
"Hello! You must be Y/n." He greeted me with a boxy smile.
"Y-Yes that's me. What's going on? Are you here to take me to heaven? Did I die?" I ask.
The man bursts out laughing. "No, silly."
"I don't understand." I furrowed my brows.
"Allow me to introduce myself." He cleared his throat. "I'm Taehyung, your guardian angel."
"Guardian angel?!"
"That's right! Kim Taehyung, at your service." He bows, tipping his glowing halo slightly as if it were a hat.
"What did I do to get a guardian angel?"
"You were born!"
"What? I don't-"
"Hey what's that?" He asked, running excitedly over to a hammock I had set up in my yard.
"It's a hammock. You lie in it."
"Ohhhh." He jumps inside, stretching out. "Cozy."
"Yeah it is. I don't use it as often as I'd like though."
"Can I see your house?" He asked, sitting up and looking at me excitedly.
"Sure. C'mon." I beckon him into my home, showing him around.
"Ooh what's this?" He points.
"That's a refrigerator."
"Refrigerator. What does it do?"
"Keeps food and drinks cold." I answer.
"Oh!" He opens the door, a gasp leaving his mouth. "That's so cool! Literally!"

This Taehyung guy is kind of adorable. He doesn't seem to know much about my world. He's like a child.

"You don't know much about Earth do you?"
"Not really. I've been up in Heaven training hard for this day!" He punched the air. "Though, now that I'm here I see so many cool things I've never seen before!"
"I assumed angels knew about everything down here."
"Well, we do, sort of. We usually stay up there so we don't get a chance to learn about stuff here. Wait what's this?" He grabs a bag of cotton candy sitting on the kitchen counter.
"I bought that at the fair last weekend. It's called cotton candy. You want some?"
"You can eat it?!"
"Yeah. Do you not have food in Heaven?" I ask removing the tie around the bag.
"Well we don't really need to eat, so no."
"But you can eat, right?"
He nods his head with a boxy grin.
"Here." I pinch off a piece of blue cotton candy and hand it over.
He puts it in his mouth, his eyes widening.
"Woah! It just melted! It's so sweet too. Can I have more?"
"You can have all of it if you'd like."
"Thank you!" He took the bag from me, pulling off another piece. "What is this made of?"
"Basically sugar."
"Mmm I like sugar."
"A lot of people do." I chuckle.
"What else do you have here?"
"Hm. Oh! Fast food. Like hamburgers, fries, stuff like that."
Taehyung's mouth dropped open. "What's a hamburger?"
"Come here." I grab his hand.
He drops the half empty bag of cotton candy on the counter as I pull him out of the kitchen. Where are we going?"
"I'm taking you to get a hamburger."
"You are?"
"Yes! I'm gonna make it my mission to show you all the amazing things here."
He let out a gasp of pure joy.
"Oh wait." I come to a screeching halt at the front door. "What about... all this." I refer to his pristine, white attire, glowing halo, and large fluffy wings.
"Oh no need to worry." He waved his hand dismissively. "Only you can see me like this."
"So, you look normal to other people?"
"Mhm." He nodded.
"Okay fine with me. Let's go."

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