Friends with BTS

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The concept here is that you're BTS' foreign friend

• They're always teasing you for anything and EVERYTHING

• Especially when you mess up a word in Korean. You will not hear the end of it

• You're always telling Jungkook the newest meme slang and showing him popular dances on the Internet

• "The other day on my walk, I was sitting down on a bench an a bird landed right in my hand." Namjoon says.

• "No cap??"

• "What?"

• I can just imagine Jungkook walking around the dorm doing the renegade dance or something.

• "Where did you learn that?" Jin asks.

• "Y/n showed me."

• "Teach me."

• They're spamming you constantly with stupid pictures and videos on Snapchat

• If any of them have a question about America (or whatever country you're from) they ask Namjoon and his response is always, "I don't know ask Y/n."

• You sometimes make them dishes that are popular where you're from and they get REALLY excited about it

• You all share childhood stories with each other

• They're always telling you new and interesting facts about Korea you didn't know

• For some reason I picture Yoongi sharing stories about his heydays in Daegu

• You're one of the first people they come to when they're writing or producing a song even though you're not a music producer

• They care about you a lot and just want your opinion on their music 🥺

• PRANKS !!!

• I'd say they all have their even share of pranking you but I can see Jungkook and Taehyung doing the most

• Taehyung is always doing little things like prank calling you even though you know it's him

• Jungkook is the one who does the mean pranks like putting soy sauce or something in your straw

• You're often invited to their dance practices

• These hoes are always getting into your stuff

• You find one of the members with something in their shirt making it look like they have boobs

• "Look I'm Y/n!" Hoseok says.

• "No hers aren't that big." Yoongi says.

• They often get you tickets to their shows and you get to hang out backstage with them

• When they're on tour they FaceTime you every night

• They all try to squeeze into frame, some of them (Jimin or Hoseok) grabbing the phone and running off with it at some point because they want their time to talk to you

• They share their food with you A LOT

• Big cuddle sessions !! Sometimes with all seven of them

• You're constantly taking pictures of them sleeping to have as blackmail (also to uwu over later)

• Having to put up with Taehyung's loud as frick sneezes

• "EEAAAAACHOOO!" (Y'all know exactly how he sounds ok)

• "TAEHYUNG GEEZ!" You shout, kicking his arm.

• He just laughs.

• One day Jimin lets out a tiny, cute sneeze like he does.

• "Jimin your sneezes are so cute!" You gush.

• "Hey! What about mine?" Taehyung pouts.

• "Yours scare the living daylights out of me."

• You get to see their dogs when they bring them to BigHit for the day uwu

• "Y/n we miss you."

• You're like a sister to them and they love you just as much as you love them, if not more 🥺

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