Jimin ♡ Red String of Fate

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Disclaimer: I have written this exactly the way I want it. If you want to correct me on something because it's "inaccurate." Don't. Just enjoy the imagine 💕

I sat awkwardly at the table, playing with the sleeve on my coffee cup as I watched my friend snuggled up to her boyfriend. She was leaned over on him, nuzzling her nose against his. My face contorted in disgust as I watched the two and their disgustingly sweet exchange.
Why did I agree to come here?
She wanted to introduce me to her soulmate, but all she's done is stay latched onto him the whole time. I've been here for a full ten minutes and I'm already sick of it.

"Isn't this great?" She asks me, a fake smile spreading across my face, replacing the cringe that was previously there.
"Yeah. I'm... so happy for you." I say as cheerfully as I can, but it comes out forced.
"I seriously never thought I'd find my soulmate. Yet here he is." She beamed, looking back up at her boyfriend and locking lips with him.
I pick up my coffee and take a sip, contemplating on wether I should book it out of here or not while they're glued to each other's mouths.
She pulls away, pinching her boyfriend's cheek before turning to me.
Too late.
"So, how are you?" She asks. "Have you found your soulmate yet?"
Just the mention of a soulmate makes my whole body stiffen.
"You know." I cleared my throat, standing up from the table. "Um, actually I think I'm gonna go."
"What? Y/n if I said something to upset you I'm sorry."
"No it's fine. I need to go home anyway." I excuse myself, tossing my coffee cup in the trash on the way out.
I step out of the cafe and into the bustling crowd, dodging people and trying not to bump into anyone as I head straight for home.

That was awful. I get that she's happy and she found her soulmate, but does she have to be attached to him like that all the time?
Is that what it's like to have a soulmate or is she just obnoxiously clingy?

I'm too engrossed in my thoughts to notice that I'm about to walk into someone. Before I can react, I crash into someone, stumbling back a little. My eyes widen, my mouth hanging open in shock.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize.
"Are you okay?"
I look up, my eyes meeting a pair of soft brown ones. The man blinks a few times, his full lips pouting worriedly.
"I'm f-fine." I stutter foolishly.
"You sure?" He asks, his voice soft and smooth like velvet.
"Yes." I nod.
A smile overtakes his cute face, his pretty eyes crinkling up into tiny crescent moons.
"I'm really sorry. I was distracted." I apologize again, my heart racing.
"Don't worry about it." He beams. "Just be careful next time, okay?"
"Y-Yeah. I will."
"Have a nice day." He says before walking off, leaving me a blushing mess.

Did that just happen?
He was beautiful. So cute yet so manly.
I think I'm in love.

I blink a few times, shaking my head to pull myself back into reality.

There's no use in getting worked up. I won't even be seeing him again.

I finish making my way home, the adorable boy not being able to leave my mind. He was so nice. He didn't even care that I bumped into him, he only wanted to know if I was okay.
I stop in the apartment lobby, placing my hand over my racing heart. The thoughts that were burdening me earlier are long gone and replaced with those of that kind stranger. I was so busy thinking about him, I hadn't noticed I was already in my apartment.

"Huh." I look around, not remembering getting into the elevator and unlocking my door. I shrug and walk to the kitchen, looking for for something to eat. Ultimately, I ended up making a frozen meal and eating it on the balcony of my apartment.
I push the now empty bowl away from me, resting my head against the back of my chair, feeling sleepy after having a good meal, and by good I mean the best thing in my freezer that I could whip up quickly.
I push myself up from the plastic lawn chair and collect my dishes before heading inside and rinsing them off, placing them into the dishwasher.
It's only 8:30 but I decided to go ahead and get ready for bed. It's been a long, exhausting day and quite frankly I'm just ready to go to sleep and start again tomorrow.

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