Hoseok ♡ Demon AU

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This is loosely based off a comic series called discount demon au by @springrooove on Instagram.

My feet dragged lazily along the pavement as I made my way home from my part time babysitting job. Don't get me wrong, I love babysitting for Mr. and Mrs. Lee, but those kids wear me out.

Geez, I'm starting to sound like a parent.

"Young lady!" A voice calls out.
I slowly turn my head to see a man dressed in crazy garb.
"Yeah you!"
He wore blue wizard robe, one of the stereotypical wizard robes you see people wear on Halloween. He had on a stained white T-shirt, a pair of cargo shorts and appeared to be sporting a pair of pink slippers on his feet. The wizard robe dragged the ground as he approached me.
I instinctively backed away.
"You." He pointed a slim, boney finger at me. He had mismatched plastic rings on his fingers that looked like they came from one of those toy machines.
"Me?" I question.
"You!" He repeated. "There's a great evil after you."
"Excuse me?" I ask. "Who are you?"
"I'm a soothsayer!" He stated, waving his hands around in the air.
"A what?"
"A fortune teller, kid!" He said gruffly.
"Yeah.....okay. I have to go home. Have a nice day, sir."
"Heed my warning!" He spoke in a foreboding voice.
I walk away from the strange, crazy man, a shiver running down my spine and an odd feeling hanging over me.

I make it home within a few minutes, thankful to be away from that creepy man, though, I can't shake this strange feeling hanging over me.


I lean over the sink, splashing water on my face before grabbing a towel. I lift my head up and look into the mirror. A man in a red suit stands behind me, a smirk on his lips.

 A man in a red suit stands behind me, a smirk on his lips

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"AAAAHHHH!!" I scream, throwing the towel at him and running out of the bathroom.
I bolt down the hallway, making a sharp turn, nearly slipping as I retreat to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I lean my back against the door, closing my eyes and breathing out a sigh.

I need to call the cops.
How did such a well dressed man get into my apartment?
And why is he in my apartment?!

When I open my eyes I see him standing right in the middle of my bedroom.

I let out another loud scream. He runs up to me at an incomprehensible speed, slapping his hand over my mouth. I squirm around, shouting muffled nonsense as he tries to hold me down.

"You're quite annoying." He says, his tone flat.
"Let go of me!" I shout, though it sounds more like, baby babble thanks to his hand clamped my mouth.
"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't quite understand you."
I glare at him, sticking my tongue out and licking his palm.
"AH!" He shrieks, jerking his hand away.
"I said let go of me."
"Why'd you do that?" He asks in a whiny voice, wiping his palm on his red pants.
I take notice of his rather long, black nails.
"Who are you?" I ask, ignoring his question.
He lets out a huff, straightening his suit. "I'm glad you asked."
I watch, unamused.
"I'm Hoseok, and I'm here to make your life a living nightmare."
"What?" I ask flatly.
"I'm your own personal demon. Here to ruin your life." He winked.
"You're joking, right?" I ask.
"You wish." He snorted.
"Alright that crazy voodoo man did something to me."
"Yeah right." Hoseok scoffed. "He couldn't do anything if he tried. He's just some crazy old nutcase. He was right about the whole 'great evil after you' thing though."
"Great evil." I furrowed my brows, remembering all that nonsense the old man was spewing.
"That's me!" Hoseok grinned, flipping his bangs with the flick of his wrist.
Maybe the old man wasn't totally crazy after all.
"Hold on. You watched all of that go down?" I asked.
"Of course I did! And it was hilarious. You looked so uncomfortable."
"I was uncomfortable." I frown.
"Perfect! That wasn't even my doing, but it sure was entertaining." He let out another laugh.
"What did I even do to have this happen to me?" I ask, ignoring his laughter.
"Nothing." He grinned. "You were just one of the unlucky people."
I sigh. This guy doesn't seem to threatening. Maybe it won't be so bad.
"What horrible things can I expect from you?" I asked, dropping down on my bed.
"Oh all kinds of things, but I don't wanna spoil any of the surprises." He shot me a wink.
"Right." I scoff. "Anyway I need to change into some comfortable clothes. I'm tired from work."
"Oh you poor thing." He pouted.
"Get out." I huff, walking over to my dresser.
"As you wish princess." He bowed, his eyes flashing yellow before disappearing.

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