Namjoon ♡ Best Friend

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This is one of those cliche best friends who like each other concepts yikes !

"Y/n look." Namjoon whispered pointing to a tiny squirrel slowly making its way over to us. "Be still."
I nodded.
Namjoon carefully pulled something out of his bag. He bent down and held out a piece of granola. The squirrel scampered over and took it from him.

"Oh my gosh." I gushed quietly, placing my hands over my mouth.

Namjoon fed the animal a few more pieces before it ran off.

"I sometimes bring food here for the animals." He said with a grin.
"That's so sweet."

Namjoon stood up and put the small plastic sandwich bag into his carry on bag.

"You hungry?" He asked.
"Yeah a little."
My stomach made a small rumbling noise.
"Okay maybe a lot." I chuckled.
"Good, me too. Let's go get something to eat." He smiled and held out his hand.
I reached out and grabbed hold as he intertwined our fingers. It's always nice when we hold hands. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside.

We walked to the nearest food stand where Namjoon was kind enough to pay for our food.

"Mmm! I was so hungry." I said taking another bite.
"Me too. Here you wanna try mine?"
"Yes! Ahh!" I opened my mouth letting Namjoon feed me.
"Cute." He muttered.
"Hm?" I asked, my mouth full of food.
"Nothing." He shook his head.
"Here now you try mine."
"Okay okay." He chuckled.
"Say ahh."
He rolled his eyes trying to hold back a grin.
I fed him some of my food and waited for his reaction.
"Good?" I asked.
"Mhm." He nodded.

When we finished eating Namjoon invited me over to his place and I agreed.
We walked inside and headed to the living room, Namjoon dropped his bag on the floor and sat down.

"Come here." He gently pat the spot next to him.
I took a seat next to him.

"What should we do?" He asked.
"Is there anything interesting on tv?" I asked.
"I don't know. We can check."

He flipped on the tv and channel surfed, stopping on some random show that both of us were hardly interested in.

"Hey, I took some pictures of you today while you were feeding that squirrel." I spoke up.
"You did?"
I nodded and pulled my phone out, opening my photos.
"When did you take that?" He asked.
"You weren't paying attention." I giggled. "I'm sneaky."
"Yeah I guess you are."


I'm not even sure what Namjoon and I talked about, but we talked for at least two hours. I could feel myself getting sleepy and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Namjoon's POV

Y/n had fallen asleep on my shoulder, I'm not sure when she fell asleep, it's been quiet for a while now. The sound that could be heard was whatever show was on the tv.

I looked down at Y/n, smiling as I admired her.
Today was perfect, I just wish I had confessed. Every time we go out and do something even a little romantic I say I'm gonna confess and I don't. I sighed and ran my fingers through
Y/n's hair.

"Why are you so pretty?" I muttered aloud. "Why do I have to have feelings for someone who probably doesn't feel the same?"

Your POV

I could feel someone running their fingers through my hair which woke me up a little, but it was so relaxing it started to lull me back to sleep. It almost didn't click that Namjoon was the one running his fingers through my hair.

I was starting to doze off again when I heard him talk.

"Why are you so pretty?" He muttered. "Why do I have to have feelings for someone who probably doesn't feel the same?"

Wait what?!

"You probably like someone else anyway. I think it's Yoongi. You text him quite a bit-"
"Yoongi?!" I shrieked sitting up, nearly scaring the living daylights out of Namjoon.

(Jin voice: YOONGI?!)

"Y/N WHAT THE CRAP?!" Namjoon screamed.
"You think I like Yoongi?!" I asked.
"You were listening to me?!"
"Answer me!"
"Oh my gosh." I laughed. "Yoongi is like an older brother to me."
"Wait what?" Namjoon asked blinking a few times.
"I don't like Yoongi. I mean I like him, but in a brotherly way."
"Then... who do you like?" He asked blinking confusedly.

(Omg confusedly is actually a word)

"Joon. I. Like. You." I repeated.
"You do?"
"No I think you're lying because you heard me confess."
"Uh why would I do that? If anything now should be the right time to confess my feelings if I heard you confess your feelings and we feel the same."
He blinked a few times.
"Hellooo? Mr. IQ148 come back to earth please."
"You like me?"
"Yes! Namjoon I love you."
"You love me?"
"Yes oh my gosh how many times do have to-" I stopped. "You know what?" I grabbed Namjoon's face and kissed him.
He was definitely surprised and so was I, but I didn't back off. A few seconds later he kissed back, his arms wrapping themselves around my waist. I threaded my fingers through his hair and moved closer. I'm not sure how long we kissed, but when we pulled away both of us were breathing heavily trying to catch our breath.

"I wanted to confess for so long. I was gonna do it today but chickened out... like I always do."
"You were taking so long to confess I almost confessed first."
"Yeah right." He laughed.
"No seriously. I couldn't stand hiding my feelings so much that I almost confessed."
"But you chickened out too." He pointed out.
"I never said that."
"Yeah but you did chicken out didn't you?" He asked.
"Well then my sweet Y/n, seems like we're both cowards." He said.
"I believe we are." I grinned.
"I'm gonna be brave for once." Namjoon said brushing my hair out of my face. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Namjoon smiled brightly, his dimples making an appearance. He cupped my cheek and leaned in kissing me again.

I've always tried to make my imagines "unique" and not stick with the cliche storylines but I've written so many imagines I have to use some of the cliche storylines 😅

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