Jungkook ♡ Quarantine Workout

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I sat at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal, my eyelids still heavy from sleep. Ever since this virus broke out and everyone was encouraged to stay home, I've been unproductive to say the least. Every day is the same. Wake up at 1pm, eat, watch tv or get on my phone, sleep, repeat. That's it. It's honestly starting to get repetitive and I'm yearning to do something different for a change.

Jungkook walks into the kitchen, chipper as ever. I take notice of the outfit he's wearing. Large t-shirt, basketball shorts and his signature chunky shoes.

"What are you doing?" I ask, shoveling another bite of cereal into my mouth.
"Instead or lying around this whole quarantine, I'm going to work out." He beamed proudly.
"Work out?" I repeated.
"Yeah. You should come with me."
"I don't know."
"I know you don't like exercise, but it'll be fun, especially since I'll be there."
"How are you working out anyway? The gyms are closed."
"The gym in the BigHit building isn't."
"Oh. I didn't think about that."

BigHit and other entertainment companies didn't shut down, but they're taking major precautions to keep everything sanitized and keep their idols and workers safe.

"Manager is coming to drive me down there in a few minutes. If you're gonna join me you should start getting ready." Jungkook spoke up.
"Alright. I guess I'll come with you." I gave in.
"Yes! Don't forget to wear your mask."

After I finished breakfast I rinsed my bowl and set it in the sink before going to change into somewhat decent workout clothes. The best I could do was a tank top and sweats.
I stepped out of our shared bedroom as I struggled to put my hair up.

"Look at you! You look so cute in your workout clothes. C'mon Sejin just texted me and said he's here." Jungkook said pulling his mask over his mouth and nose.
I did the same with mine as we left our apartment.
I stared out the window at the empty streets that seemed to be void of any life. The streets that were normally bustling with people and tourists were now barren. It was practically a ghost town. Very rarely did we pass another vehicle as we made our way down the road. I looked away from the window for a moment, tugging on my shirt, pulling it up a little. I'm not totally opposed to working out, I just don't really care for it. I only agreed to work out with Jungkook because, well, it can't hurt. If anything, it'll be good for me.

"We're here." Jungkook announced.
I stepped out of the car, Sejin opening the front doors of the entertainment building, allowing us to walk inside. Jungkook and I quietly made our way to the gym, careful not to disturb any company workers that might be occupying the rooms we passed.

"Alright." Jungkook grinned, pulling off his face mask. "Where do you want to start? Weights, treadmill, elliptical?"
"Oh. It doesn't really matter."
"Alright, well, let's stretch first and then we can start with weights. How about that?" He suggested.
"Okay then." Jungkook said, shaking his shoulders and rolling his neck. "Let's start with arms." He started rotating his arm in a circle, stretching out the muscles. I copied what he did. He bent down to touch his toes, I copied.
Once we were both loosened up, he brought me over to a metal rack of weights. I glanced at the numbers on them, picking up a couple three pound weights. I've always heard that if you're just starting out, it's best to use lighter weights. Jungkook picked up a couple fifteen pound weights and waited for me to get ready.
"Okay follow me." Jungkook instructed. He put one of his fists in front of him like he was punching the air, then he did the same thing with the other hand. I repeated his movements, doing the same pose at the same time he did.
"It's not so bad, right?" He asked, smiling happily.
"Yeah it's not too bad."
"Try not to go too fast. When you go to "punch" try to hold your arm out in the same position for a few seconds." He informed.
I nod and continue my movements.

After working out with the weights for a few minutes, Jungkook brought me over to the treadmills. I stepped on the belt and turned the machine on, walking at a decent pace. Jungkook did the same, only to slowly advance to a faster speed. After pacing myself, I decided I would turn the speed up a couple notches. I was now doing a fast walk. I could feel myself starting to get worn out after only a few minutes.

"There you go." Jungkook encouraged me. "Why don't you try turning it up and get a good run going."
"I think I just want to fast walk."
"C'mon. You can do it." He urged me.

Jungkook was making me feel like I could do anything. His encouragement made my heart swell and gave me a sudden burst of energy.

"Okay." I nodded, turning the machine up higher.
Jungkook and I seemed to be running at the same speed. Every once in a while he would look over at me, making sure I was okay. He would say motivating and uplifting words which made me want to keep going. At one point though, I was starting to get worn out. My chest was feeling tight and even starting to burn a little. It was hard to breathe and I could feel the heat radiating off my body.

"J-Jungkook. I think... I need... to stop." I huffed.
I turned my treadmill off, standing still and letting the belt carry me off the machine. Jungkook stopped immediately, rushing to my aid.
"Baby, are you alright?" He asked worriedly.
"Just a little... worn out." I panted, taking a seat on the floor.
"Let me get you some water."
He ran off to a side room with a drink machine. Seconds later he came rushing back, a cold bottle of water in his hand. I grabbed the cool bottled liquid from him, twisting open the lid and gulping it down.
"Thank you." I sighed, falling back on the cool tile along the gym floor.
"I'm sorry if I overworked you." Jungkook apologized, pushing small strands of hair away from my face.
"No. It's okay." I smiled. "I needed a good workout."
"You wanna go home?"
"No. I still want to work out some more. I just need a break." I huffed.
"You sure?"
"Yeah." I nod.
Jungkook smiled down at me, giving a quick peck on my lips.
"If it makes you feel better, I thought you looked really hot working out." He said with a smirk.
"J-Jungkook!" I blushed.
"Just saying. I couldn't stop staring at your butt when you were on the treadmill. It was a little distracting." He bit his lip.
Jungkook's sudden, and rather shameless, honesty had my face burning up, and it's not from working out.

I know some places are starting to open up, but I'm still wary about going out. I'm only leaving the house when I have to and I have my mask on when I do.
If any of you go out please wear your mask.

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