Chapter 23: A Painting by Dimitri

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The week since the meeting with the Mage association passed by quickly, and today was the day that the product would be put on sale. I had no doubts that the potion would sell thanks to the clever marketing scheme that the prince had organized: everyday since the meeting, demonstrations of the potion's power were held in the common sect and the noble sect, the person advertising the potion would call out someone visibly injured from the crowd and ask them to drink the potion, thus they would be healed and everyone would see its wonders. So I was pretty sure the shops selling the potion would be flooded.

Also he had named the potion the 'Delton healing potion' in my honor. The name was displayed on the label of the potion bottle that they were going to sell it in. I also made sure to give credit to Olive the Alchemist who had helped me with creating the potion. I cut her a share of ten percent of the earnings.

Despite that excitement I had another music lesson scheduled with Dimitri today, however I had already finished learning all the songs in the book he had given me so I wasn't quite sure what we were going to do today.

Today I was wearing a simple yet Lacey white dress, I was also wearing my hair down, possibly because someone told me they liked it like that.

In addition to Dimitri's company, Alice, Lucian and Rosalie were coming over for tea. Alice and Rosalie had managed to become good friends since the Mage tournament and I was exited to see them, moreover I was really looking forward to seeing Lucian again who I hadn't seen in a while.

I was sitting by my uldreyin  in the drawing room that I kept it in, when Auberon opened the door and bowed to me and announced that 'Lord Dimitri Vassaltross' had arrived. Auberon held the door open so that Dimitri could come in. To my surprise Dimitri was holding a large white canvas and what looked like an artist's box.

"Good morning, Riley."

"Good Morning, Dimitri. What do you have there?" I asked curiously eyeing the art equipment.

"Well, I wanted to ask your permission to paint you while you are playing the uldreyin." He said smiling.

He wanted to paint a picture of me? How cool.

"Of course!" I said excitedly. "Do I get to keep it afterwards?" I asked.

"Uh, no." He deadpanned. "I'm going to sell it." I frowned, but I guess he could do what he wanted with his art work.
"So I'll get a cut of the profits right?" I smiled widely anticipating his answer.

"No." He deadpanned again.

"Okay, so start playing the uldreyin and I'll just paint you."

He set up his canvas on an eisle and organized his paintbrushes and colors before he began to paint. I just happily played along until a few hours had passed and I had run out of songs to play, and tea time was encroaching on us so I needed to go and get ready for my guests.

"How far are you?" I asked.

"I've finished all the important parts, I just need to paint the room in the background but I'll finish it up another time."

"Okay that's great, you should probably stop now and we can continue another time because I have guests coming over. By the way, would you like to stay for tea? I have a few guests coming over that you know, so it might be fun."

"Sure, thank you." He grinned, wiping his paint-covered hands on his apron.

Agnes insisted that I change into more suitable clothes for a tea party with nobles, so I did as she pleased and changed into a different, fancier dress.

Alice and Rosalie arrived soon after wearing beautiful gowns.

Alice wore a large flesh coloured grown that was decorated with embroidered flowers, spanning from the bottom of her dress all the way up to her shoulder.

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