Chapter 59: The banana is out of the bag

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Even though my small vacation was fun, I had to admit that waking up in my own bed felt great. I yawned loudly as the warm sun woke up my tired body. Yesterday had been exhausting and I was still feeling the effects of the mental and physical strain I had gone through. Honestly had complicated my life beyond belief.

I looked around the room expecting to see Agnes, Edna and Mellie but they were nowhere to be found. They probably let me sleep in because they had seen how tired I was. They were polite enough not to make me explain everything when I got home and I was grateful for that. We were all so close now that we were a family, and they seemed to be able to pick up on my ques.

After I helped them unpack everything back into its rightful place, and fetched Sedgwick from the Magical Creatures Division of the mage society, I had staggered back to my room and had promptly fallen asleep.

I turned to my bedside table to see a note in Agnes's handwriting. Her perfectly elegant writing that rivalled even a nobles calligraphy.


there will be a good hot breakfast waiting for you downstairs when you wake up. I've laid out an easy dress for the morning, so you can wear that to breakfast.

I'll help you change into something more fitting after Milady has eaten.


With that, I turned to see one of my favourite casual dresses that Agnes was always insisting that I throw away. A simple wrap-around frock that I had bought from a small shop on the harbourside, simply perfect for lazing around my house.

I happily got out of bed and slipped into the pale pink dress she had carefully laid out on the sofa. I then slipped into some comfy slippers and waved Sedgwick and Sophie goodbye as they were curled up together, sunbathing on the window sill.

Now that I was looking at Sedgewick it seemed that he had gotten fatter, his tube-like body had definitely increased in width, probably due to the magical Creatures division overfeeding him. Nevertheless, he looked so content and healthy as his scales glittered in the sunlight.

I turned left when I exited my room and headed down the hallway and down the grand staircase to reach the breakfast room. As I walked down the hallways me eyes greeted the familiar ornaments I had used to decorate the halls. The paintings I had purchased the day my house got renovated, my certificate for receiving an S rank for my mage exam, some photos of my friends that I had magically printed out from my phone. So many great memories from my first year in Girannon.

I opened the doors of the breakfast room to a happy scene before me. Everyone was seated and gayly chatting. It seemed that Rudyard and Auberon were getting along fine as they were laughing and grinning at each other, mumbling something about which of them was better at sword fighting. I could only laugh at their antics as a very displeased Agnes smacked both of them on the backs of their heads, furious that they were being so unruly at the table.

As per usual Edna was perfectly composed, hers was the stone face of my mansion, sitting up straight in her chair, calmly sipping on tea. Mellie was beside her, trying to inform her of the latest gossip, something about a haughty 'Lady Cuthbert' who has her eyes set on things outside of her reach. Edna didn't seem like she was listening but was rather tracking the path of the tea leaf in her cup. At the far end of the table was dear sweet Mr Bard who was happily fixing his bowtie. Next to him were Ilsa and Augustus who were talking animatedly about something I couldn't hear.

"Good Morning Milady!" Agnes was the first to notice my entrance and immediately stood up. The other realised I was there and did the same.

"Good Morning Milady!" They smiled back at me and it made my heart warm up. Home, this place was my home, and these people were my family.

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