Chapter 43: Second Rank

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Agnes, Edna and Mellie's uniform ☝️

Henrietta had had the best sleep of her life. Her feet hadn't gotten cold or wet during the night, they had stayed dry and warm inside her new cotton bed. Soren had slept soundly the whole night too, only coughing slightly due to his cold. When the warm sun started filtering through the glass windows they almost couldn't believe that it was morning.

For the past month they had been sleeping in empty alleyways or behind houses where the chilly night wind didn't reach them. They would almost always be disturbed by pickpockets trying to steal what little they had or the dreaded rats climbing over them. They hadn't had a full nights sleep in so long. The experience felt foreign to them.

"Come Soren, it's time to wake up..." she whispered happily into the boy's head as she tickled his plump cheeks.

He gave off a little moan and lifted his head up, but then changed his mind and sunk his head back into the pillow.

Henrietta chuckled. She decided to let him sleep for a bit longer. She would go to the bathrooms to bath and get ready for the day.

She looked around the room and smiled again. It was almost like a dream. The best dream she had ever had.

Henrietta quietly creeped out of bed, so she wouldn't disturb Soren and gathered the towel and gown that there inside the closet and walked a little way down the hall where the washrooms were. The bathroom was neatly set up with five cubicles. Each cubicle contained either a bath or something that Sybil had told her was called a 'shower' and a basin in each.

Henrietta approached the cubicle with the shower because she was eager to try it out. She undressed and folded her nightgown onto a counter and stood under the shower. She then called out the command that Sybil had taught her.

"Hot and cold water shower!" She Called out nervously. The spell that Riley had cast on all the showers activated and warm water came showering down on her from the roof of the cubicle. Henrietta shrieked and laughed, completely taken a back by the strange invention. She savored the feeling of the clean warm water cleansing her and washing away all the dirt.
She could feel that this would be a new beginning for her and her son and it was all thanks to Lady Riley. Her savior. A true saint. Henrietta knew that she would never be able to repay the Lady's kindness, but she would work her hardest everyday and try and make the very best of this opportunity.

Henrietta made her way back to the room and got dressed in the uniform, that luckily fitted her perfectly. She also had to drag Soren out of bed and dress him up in the clothes that he had been wearing yesterday. She felt embarrassed that he looked so shabby but she hadn't got the chance to go and buy him some new clothes so he would just have to go to the Godfrey's home with these clothes. She reminded herself to go and buy him some clothes at the end of the day.

They two went down to the dining room and were ecstatic to see two plates of breakfast waiting for them.

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