Chapter 35: The universe is on my side

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The responses to my Letters were very fast.

The owners of the old Guest house on the harbor side, practically threw the old house on me when I offered them two gold coins for it. I had sent Bard to go and pay them and then collect the title deed of the property from them. I had also sent him with some money to go and secure some builders and architects to redesign the House so that about thirty women could live there. I wanted every woman to have her own room, large enough so that a good sized bed, desk and wardrobe could fit into each one. There also had to be a bathroom for every three rooms. I wanted there to be a small vegetable garden in the back where they could grow their own food, as well as have a nice space for children to play if the women were coming into the shelter with children. There also had to be a large kitchen and a few lounging areas.
Since the property was quite large I was sure they would be able to fit all that in. I was very pleased with the floor plan that Bard had come back to show me, it was exactly what I wanted. Luckily this particular architectural guild also did furnishings so they threw in a quote to furnish the entire house. The only change I made was to upgrade some of the furnishings they suggested but then I soon approved the plan and they began work. Bard and Auberon went down to the House to supervise the work.

Mrs Edith Godfrey, the owner and manager of the Godfrey's Home For Children, was so grateful for my offer of patronage, so much so that I could literally feel the emotion in the way she wrote the letter back to me. She thanked me profusely for becoming a patron of her institution and even told me that if I hadn't offered, the home would have had to shut down in a few seasons since she was running out of money to keep all the children. I had gottena bit teary eyed reading her letter, I could tell that she was a kind woman struggling to help those around her which made me realize that my mission was to make her mission easier.

As per my request she sent me a list of things that she needed help with at the home, which was practically everything...

She coudln't always pay the electricity bill so there were long periods were the children went without power.

In Arteria, since Lightning magic was a thing, they used it as electricity and spelled objects within people's houses with lightening magic to keep electricity and light flowing for seasons at a time. If you could not carry on paying, the Lightning magic providers would unspell the objects and you woundn't have light or electricity until you could pay them again. it was a similar principle with sewage and plumbing, except they used water magic.

She also humbly asked if I could do anything about food and clothing for the children. Apparently the children were now relying on the kindness of the local inns to drop off their leftovers as the Home. I grimaced when I read this. I knew the Inns in the area already made terrible stew, so I could only imagine what the leftovers were like, the food that nobody had wanted to eat...

To solve those problems I asked Augustus if he had any friends who were cooks who were looking for jobs. He had immiedately wrote to three of his friends who used to work at the palace with him and told them about my proposition. In no time, I had found three cooks who would work full time at the Home to make three meals a day for the kids, using some of my recipes. However, at Augustus's insistence, I made all three chefs sign a contract saying that they could not distribute my recipes to anyone, or else they would be sentenced to years in prison, which I thought was a bit extreme, but Augustus insisted...

I also contracted the same architectural guild to do some maintenance on the Home. Fix the cracks in the walls, do some insulation, replace all the broken furniture with new stuff and paint the walls. They easily renovated everything within a day becasue they used magic to complete their work, which really sped up the process. They also finished the renovations for the Womens shelter in three days, which really impressed me so I gave them a big tip.

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