Chapter 39: Mage exam continues

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(Lavinia's dress☝️)

I couldn't help but sneer at the calling of her name.

I watched as she walked gracefully up to the table where the judges were seated. She was as poised and as beautiful as ever, that I couldn't deny. She was very beautiful and it was really a shame that she didn't have a personality to match.

I felt Edgar move uncomfortably beside me, as if reacting to Lavinia's presence.

"Have you met Lady Lavinia?" I asked him, noticing the unpleasant grimace on his face.

"Just once before..." he replied softly, "I'll just say that she isn't the type of person I want to be involved with. Lord Elian feels the same way about her."

I looked up to Lord Elian and he nodded in agreement.

"Lavinia and I grew up together, so I know what she's like." Continued Lord Elian, "that's why I'm so surprised that she is even trying to take the exam." He frowned. "She was never very good at using her magic, she was only even admitted into the Royal Mage society because of her family connections and status as a second rank noble. So I don't understand why she would risk the humiliation of getting a low grade rather than keeping her pride and not participating." He sounded puzzled.

"I can tell you why." Chimed in Cornelius. "You're right Elian, she wouldn't risk her pride and try out for an examination where she would get a low grade. She would only participate if she knew she could get a good grade. That's why she is participating, she knows that she will get a good grade." Cornelius stated clearly.

"Huh?" Murmured Alice confused, I was also confused. "How is it possible for her to know that she will get a good grade if her magic skills are subpar?" Asked Alice with a big frown on her face.

Just as Cornelius was about to speak, a smooth silky voice interrupted him.

"There are two ways for her to be sure." We all spun around and were greeted by the menacing beauty of three individuals. Lords Sinjin and Alucard Von Esterheim, as well as Lord Gawain Smithson.

Edgar, Elian, Bard and I quickly bowed to greet the trio of higher ranked Lords. While Alice and Cornelius who were of the same rank bowed their heads in greeting.

Sinjin first addressed me, "Don't look so surprised Riley, did you think that I would miss my own student's exam?" He asked mockingly. I blushed and turned away.

Then Lord Gawain spoke, "I have come to see if you will keep our promise." Lord Gawain stared down at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I gulped nervously, even though I knew that I would keep my promise to recognize him as the person who gave me the idea for the artifact.

"Please continue Lord Alucard. What are the ways for her to be sure that she will get a high grade?" Alice urged on.

Lord Alucard obliged her and carried on talking.

"The first way would be for her to bribe the judges." He said so plainly as if it were common sense. "However Since Prince Geoffrey is an adjudicator this year, that would be impossible. Prince Geoffrey is committed to magic and would never accept bribes. Also since he is the prince he is wanting of nothing."  Alucard explained.

"He definitely would not." Agreed Gawain.

"The other way would be to cheat. To simply submit an artifact that someone else created and call it your own." Alucard continued.

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