Chapter 46: Running into Red

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"Is your Ladyship perhaps the second rank noble, Lady Delton?" His seemingly lifeless eyes began to light up.

I nodded my head to him, I hate to admit it but I was feeling a little too intimidated by him to speak. I wasn't sure what put me so on edge but I was definitely tensing up.

"It is my honor to introduce you to the church of Magic, Lady Delton. Please forgive my abrupt approach." It was almost magical how his cold intimidating demeanor vanished and gave way to the warm and friendly face he was showing me now. Hell he was even blushing... his smile was so wide that his eyes narrowed into little crescents and cute dimples appeared on his cheeks.

"There's nothing to forgive..." I answered back awkwardly, not quite knowing how to handle this guy.

"I am St. Silas Claudian, the twelfth seat of the Church of magic, and the person who will be introducing you to the church today." He lent over and gave me a deep respectful bow, with what felt like deep sincerity.

"It's a pleasure to meet you St. Claudian." I looked up into his yellow eyes and really wondered about him.

"If your Ladyship would do me the honour of calling me Silas, I would be most grateful." His yellow eyes went all soft and mushy and I felt obligated to oblige him.

"Sure.... Silas." I chuckled awkwardly. "You can call me Riley if you want to..." I offered. However his eyes widened and he raised his hands shakily, astounded by my offer.

"I couldn't possibly refer to a Second Rank noble Lady by her first name..." I nodded remembering the way Agnes and Bard had been so shocked when I had asked them to call me by my first name.

With that, Auberon and Edna noticed that I was talking to a stranger and hastily made their way over to me, and with all of us assembled, Silas began to show me around the church.

He showed me the six great halls of the church where people came to pray for the six gods of magic: wind, water, earth, fire, lightning and dark. Each hall was decorated to represent the different magic of each god, each room also had a massive statue of the god carved into the wall.

I learned a lot about what the gods were supposed to look like, as well as a bit of the mythology surrounding them: The god of Dark magic was represented as an old man with a long beard, shrouded in a dark cloak with a hidden face. While the God of Fire was represented as a young handsome man with flames for hair, engulfed in a bright ball of fire. The god of water was an elfin-like water creature whose hair was sculpted to look like the beautiful man was swimming through water. The goddess of wind was depicted as a tall elegant looking woman whose long was longer than her body and flowed beautifully in the wind. The god of earth was depicted as a giant man with a thick bulging muscular form and a menacing glare as mounds of rock and soil were levitating around him. The god/goddess of lighting was depicted as a more androgynous figure, childlike actually, who was depicted raising two small hands into the air, summoning great boots of lighting down to Arteria.

While he showed me around, Silas told me so many wonderful stories and folktales about the gods and all the magical creatures of this world, that just made me want to go home and study up on everything.

For our final destination, Silas lead me up to the second floor of the Church where an office was located, the place where I could officially sign the registry and become part of the church.

Silas left me at a large wooden desk and went to the back wall where hundreds of paper scrolls were stacked neatly on top of each other. He pulled one of the scrolls out of the pile and then splayed it out across the desk and showed me where to sign my name. I carefully wrote out my full name and then handed the beautiful golden quill back to Silas. With that, my first trip to the Church of Magic was complete! I was actually pretty glad because the trip had been so much better than I had thought it would be. As we walked away from the grand church and back up the fancy streets, I felt pretty satisfied with my visit, I also reformed my opinion of Silas, despite having a frightening demeanor he was actually a pretty nice guy.

I've been reincarnated into another world as a witchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن